These columns focused on people already stuck with micromanaging. So I put out a query on Twitter: During interviews, how do you get micromanagers to “snap out” of themselves so you can avoid working for them in the first place?
The first thing to understand is that “micro” is in the eyes of the governed. What you see as overbearing and picky, a micromanager may see as necessary or a point of pride—so you might not even have to dig that hard to uncover it.
“Micromanagers don’t realize that what they’re doing can aggravate others,” said Maria Repas, a communications major from Richmond. “They’re going to own it in a way you wouldn’t think they would.”
The second thing to understand is that the interview is as much about finding out if the job is right for you as it is about proving that you are right for the job. A manager who you think of as bossy would probably be just as frustrated at having to manage you, so asking the right questions during the interview can save you time and stress. Fortunately, getting clear answers is often as simple as asking clear questions.
‘What are your expectations?’
“Micromanagers tend to be very time- and process-focused,” so asking questions about schedules and procedures can reveal their expectations, says Matt Abrahams, author of the forthcoming book Think Faster, Talk Smarter. Abrahams recommends asking hiring managers how they plan and track projects and how often they expect to receive and provide feedback.
“People will definitely say, ‘I want to be copied for everything,’ ‘I want a few signups a day,'” Repass says. To her, a manager who demands this level of contact shows a lack of trust. But someone who does complex, detail-oriented work, or someone who struggles to stay on track, might welcome this level of oversight.
“Can you tell me about your management style?”
Repas said that in his previous job search experience, hiring managers were often quite clear about how they led. They may describe themselves as “working” or say they want to be “involved in everything.”
From that point on, Repas will demand “details of how they run their day and how they manage their staff.” In one interview, a future boss told her, “Think of me as a summer storm. I get angry for a short time and then it goes away. His openness about his style told Repass everything she needed to know if the position was right for her.
“What do you value in an employee?”
Asking managers about their ideal employee can also tell you a lot. Abrahams recommends asking, “What are the two most important behaviors you look for in your employees to be successful?”
The goal is not to see if you can make yourself a match, but to see if the manager’s response is consistent with what you naturally bring to the table. A manager who values accuracy and consistency may not be a good fit for someone whose strengths are adaptability and innovation.
Of course, sometimes managers will say, and even genuinely believe, that they want a “self-starter” who can work independently – but then step in and take over the moment it looks like you’re veering off course predicted. That’s why it’s important to follow up by asking for examples of times when employees met their standards — and when they didn’t.
“How do you deal with mistakes?”
Repass says her personal philosophy is this: “Anytime you bring people into a process, you create a chance for error.” With that in mind, she asks interviewers how they handle employees when — not if — they make mistakes or don’t respond to expectations. Her ideal manager allows employees to correct their own mistakes after instructing them on what is needed.
As a manager, Repas explains to interviewees how he distinguishes between everyday goofs and ongoing patterns of mistakes that indicate disengagement or a lack of respect for standards. Managers who treat every mistake as catastrophic are unlikely to be pleasant to work with.
Although Reppas has a good track record of asking direct questions, some micromanagers may not be as forthright or specific. Abrahams recommends listening to the language interviewers use in their responses.
“Does the manager say ‘we’ or ‘you’ when describing the tasks you will be responsible for?” Using ‘we’ can imply over-involvement,” Abrahams said in an email. Also, describing the desired results in absolute terms — “‘The way to do this is …” or “Success only comes when …” — [may] it signals a firmness of approach and expectations,” he said.
Also, Abrahams says, pay attention to the level of “specific, small details” the manager focuses on when discussing your resume and application, or comments that indicate the manager dug far beyond what you submitted. Maybe the manager has been burned by former candidates who left out important details about their work history, or maybe the manager is just a suspicious type. Asking questions about your predecessor and talking to current and former employees can help you get a more complete picture.
Finally, what if they don’t answer your questions or seem put off by having to explain their management style and expectations? That in itself is an answer: they don’t appreciate being questioned, or haven’t given much thought to the hows and whys of their own management style. Everyone has flaws and makes mistakes; it’s the willingness to acknowledge them that makes the difference between an insufferable manager and a human one.