How to handle the dreaded job interview

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How to handle the dreaded job interview
How to handle the dreaded job interview


Job interviews are not like first dates. If you miss a question, you can’t recover with a captivating charm and by picking up the tab. Maybe the game isn’t over, but don’t be that person who gets stuck.

“Your chance of landing the most successful job interview depends primarily on how much preparation you’ve done in advance,” said Rob Barnett, executive headhunter and author of Next Job, Best Job: 11 Headhunter Strategies to be employed now’ (Kensington). ). “You need to prove you’ve done more homework than most candidates, showing up armed with an arsenal of relevant details you’d only get after digging, and offering insightful observations, critical feedback, sharp questions, and inspired ideas.” You’ll be able to keep the momentum of the interview focused on the present and future of the company.”

Here are the eight questions you’ll frequently encounter in job interviews and how to knock them out of the park.

Tell me about yourself.

Although people often struggle with open requests like this, with a little prep work you can feel confident in dealing with that pesky Q, which is often an opening gambit.

“This is not the time to tell your personal life story or regurgitate your resume,” said Chelsea Opare-Addo, owner of Not Your Mother’s Résumé and an Amazon recruiter based in Aurora, Illinois. up to a 60-second speech in which you communicate your major, professional passions, and career goals.”

Aim to make it memorable and natural, as if you were explaining your career to someone over dinner.

What is your greatest weakness?

File that under “ugh” too. The best strategy is “to be honest, avoiding any weaknesses that could affect your performance,” says Opare-Addo. “This works especially well if you pick a weakness that you’re actively working on.”

For example: “I have never been comfortable with public speaking and have traditionally avoided it. However, I’ve been listening to professional development podcasts and worked up the nerve to give a short presentation to the leadership team last month. It’s still not my forte, but the presentation was well received and I’m happy to have performed.”

How did you respond to difficulties in previous jobs?

Barnett cautions job seekers to be very careful with this topic.

“You should never slander anyone you have worked for or people who have worked with or for you in the past,” he said. “But you want to show your next boss how you handled challenging people and projects. Practice how to talk briefly about past conflicts. Let people know how you confronted and solved problems without throwing anyone under the bus.

If a bad dynamic with your boss upset you, talk about how you took it upon yourself to align with other leaders in your organization and came out of the situation with first-hand knowledge of how to manage effectively.

What are your career goals?

The interviewer will hire someone who seems most goal-oriented, said Biron Clark, a former executive recruiter in the software industry in New York and founder of “Start with a short-term goal and then discuss a longer-term goal, such as where you hope to be in two to three years. Also, make sure your answer is relevant to the job you are discussing. If you mention a number of goals that will not be achieved by this job, the interviewer will assume that you will not like the role. So they won’t hire you even if you could do the job.

Have you ever received a warning from your boss or HR?

Barnett advises interviewees to tread carefully here. “You’ll have to tell the truth because it could be discovered if they decide to dig. Keep it short,” he said. “Be real. And let the interviewer know that you’ve taken responsibility and learned how to avoid it in the future.”

If you miss a question, you cannot recover with a captivating charm.
Alamy photo

Why should we hire you?

Um, because you’re awesome? We know, but that won’t fly.

“Companies want to see how well you understand the position and how well you can articulate your value,” Clark said. “Read the job description and then present yourself as the solution to their problems, showing the experience and skills that will allow you to come in and help them immediately.”

Avoid statements like “I am a hard worker” or “I am a quick learner” as they are not specific enough. Instead, provide job details to show that your previous skills and experience will enable you to successfully enter the role.

For example: “I noticed in the job posting that the person you are hiring will be interacting directly with customers on a daily basis. I can jump into these interactions quickly because 75 percent of my current role is dealing with clients, both in person and over the phone.”

If you don’t have relevant experience to point to, Clark said it’s best to explain how you’ve overcome a similar challenge in the past, “which will reduce the perceived risk of hiring them and their confidence in learning this new role.”

What did you do during the pandemic?

Opare-Addo has seen candidates struggle with employment gap issues, and the issue is becoming more common as many try to get back into the workforce.

“The key is to answer with confidence and resist the urge to sound apologetic,” she said. “Answer the interviewer’s question, and then answer their ‘real’ question—meaning, reassure them that you’re ready to return to the workforce and commit to an employer for the long term.”

Do you have any questions?

Never say, “I think you covered everything.”

“Asking questions shows interest and that you’re being thoughtful and selective in your job search,” said Clark, who said you should ask at least two or three questions of each person interviewing you.

Feel free to ask questions about the job, the group, and the company, and have an opinion-based question, such as why the interviewer joined the company or what they like best about working there. These questions are flexible enough that you can repeat them to many people you meet in the process.


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