How fast fashion uses human psychology to keep you buying more

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How fast fashion uses human psychology to keep you buying more


In an era when buying stuff has never been easier, Amy Shardlow describes herself as a “shopaholic”.

She says buying new clothes always follows a certain pattern: first, they help her feel confident or to forget the daily stresses in her life. Then the high fades away and is replaced by a familiar feeling.

“If I were to buy something right now, I would be riding that high… And then tomorrow I’ll be like, ‘Why did you do that? You’ve got to pay these payments off’, and all my money’s gone again,” she says.

“That’s when [I’m] stressing a bit, and then I go, ‘Oh, you know what would make me feel better about myself? I’m going to treat myself’.”

And the cycle begins again.

The rise of online shopping means there are fewer obstacles than ever to making a purchase. 

Stores never close, products are cheaper than ever and can be flown in from all over the globe.

Buy now, pay later services give shoppers the opportunity to put themselves in debt in exchange for immediate gratification.

We can pay for everything with the touch of a single button.


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