Back before he became a Donald Trump-endorsed candidate for the US Senate, JD Vance wrote the book that – in its depiction of rural poverty and of people left behind by modern America – came to be seen in the 2016 election year as providing the explanation for the rise of the populism that took Trump to the White House. In a section towards the end of Hillbilly Elegy, the author, now a successful venture capitalist, relates how he and his fellow Yale Law School students were interviewed for the top law firm positions they all craved. Not having the same social background as most of his fellow applicants, he was unnerved by the part of the process that took place in a smart restaurant and had to call the person who is now his wife to find out what to do with all the cutlery on the table. “The interviews were about passing a social test – a test of belonging, of holding your own in a corporate boardroom, of making connections with potential future clients,” he writes.
It is an experience that would resonate with “Darren”, who is featured in a new report from Accenture, the international technology business, into how people from lower socio-economic backgrounds struggle to get on even if they have the right academic qualifications. Darren now works for a leading advertising agency in New York, but he recalls how early in his career he turned to fit in. In an effort to be more like his colleagues he paid for elocution lessons, saved up for a smart suit and watch and changed his hair style. “I would never be where I am now if I hadn’t taken those steps,” he says. Now, when he is hiring, he seesks out candidates with varied backgrounds, but he believes that, while there have been increasing amounts of support for other under-represented groups, this has not really been the case for those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
At Accenture they believe that dealing with this issue is important not just at the personal level because talented individuals deserve to progress even if they do not know how workplace codes and other barriers act against them, but also for businesses because by tapping into such groups they improve their diversity of thinking. Among the striking statistics in the report, entitled A fair chance to advance: The power of culture to break socioeconomic barriers in the workplace, is the finding that only two in five employees from lower socioeconomic backgrounds feel included in the workplace and that only half feel safe to be open about their background. By contrast, employers are much more positive, with nearly nine out of 10 believing these employees feel included at work.
In another divide, the report finds that employees from low-income backgrounds are less likely to progress in their careers than their more advantageous counterparts and yet are more likely to be satisfied with their rate of progress. This may, of course, be down to them having lower expectations – and simply demonstrating the scale of the problem and the detrimental effect to businesses from having so many employees effectively resigned to being less successful than their counterparts. Accenture calculates that the findings indicate that about 700,000 employees from lower socio-economic backgrounds have missed out on promotion. Moreover, the company has worked out that companies that focus on improving social mobility enjoy profits that are 1.4 times higher than those at businesses less focused on the issue.
Camilla Drejer, Accenture’s lead for Citizenship & Responsible Business in the UK & Ireland, said in an interview that organizations had made great progress in tackling disadvantages in such areas as race, gender and disability, but that socio-economic background as a factor in individuals ‘success had been largely overlooked. With more than a third of the workforce coming from lower socio-economic backgrounds, there was huge potential to make an impact. While there was a lot of research on making recruitment more open, she and her colleagues felt there was a need to go further and try to ensure that “people from lower socio-economic backgrounds thrived and progressed.” She added that there was a set of barriers that were often invisible
The report, which surveyed 4,000 employees and 1,400 executives, highlights the efforts being made by a range of organizations – not just Accenture – to change things. The research found that – as is often the case – culture had a lot to do with how successful organizations were at making all employees feel at home and able to give their best. In companies with inclusive cultures more than 90% of employees from lower socioeconomic backgrounds feel they have the same chance of success as their other colleagues, compared with only 30% in companies that are less inclusive. In addition, Accenture found that these more inclusive organizations tended to adopt five key practices which it sees as forming a “blueprint for socio-economic inclusion.” They are:
– Trusting individuals and allowing them to take responsibility
– Having clear role models who reflect different backgrounds to the norm
– Introducing clear anti-discrimination policies so that employees and treated and compensated fairly.
– Giving employees the flexibility to work when, where and how they need.
– Being open and transparent so that employees feel safe to talk about their backgrounds and bring their true selves to work.
In practical terms, this means setting in train initiatives to, for example, demonstrate that not all an organization’s leaders come from privileged backgrounds; expanding the pool of universities from which recruits are taken; offering alternative means of entry, such as apprenticeships, and generally improving the recruitment process, to take better account of individuals’ personal circumstances.
Both the US and the UK have seen leading universities increase their efforts to make themselves more accessible to more of the population. Earlier this month, for instance, the vice-chancellor of Cambridge University warned that private schools would have to expect fewer of their pupils to gain entry to top universities. This is clearly a start, but – as we have seen – it only goes so far. Employers must take up the challenge, too. And the signs are it will pay off for them in terms of business performance because it is now widely acknowledged that having a diverse workforce improves decision making. Moreover, it is likely that the much-valued employee engagement will improve. Recruits from lower socio-economic backgrounds already indicate that they are more satisfied than their more privileged counterparts – even if they are not treated as well. Treat them better and they could well turn out to be a lot more committed than those who bring an attitude of entitlement.
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