How Billion Dollar Tech Operate Companies (w / Gokul Rajaram)

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How Billion Dollar Tech Operate Companies (w / Gokul Rajaram)
How Billion Dollar Tech Operate Companies (w / Gokul Rajaram)


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In today’s episode, I talk to Gokul Rajaram. This guy is impressive. He’s worked on the executive team of some of the biggest tech companies – Google, Facebook, Square, and now is currently Caviar Lead at Doordash.

At one point, he also started his own company called Chai Labs, which got acquired by Facebook.

I came across Gojul’s articles on Medium, and they are REALLY good. I started implementing many of his advice at my own company such as sending out a weekly CEO e-mailand how to run a better meeting.

So definitely, check out Gokul’s articles on and follow him on Twitter @gokulr.

If you’ve ever wanted to learn about how to operate the biggest tech companies or how to join them, you’ll love this episode.

In this episode, you’ll enjoy 3 BIG things:

  1. Strategies to help companies operate better
  2. The different leadership styles of Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jack Dorsey
  3. How to transform a product company into a platform company

And if you enjoy listening to the podcast, I would really appreciate it if you left a review on Apple Podcasts to help more people find out about it. I might shout you out in the next episode!

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