The sudden demise of the promising 28-year-old singer, Sidhu Moose Wala has come as a major shock to the entire entertainment industry. On Sunday, May 29, the singer was shot to death in the Jawaharker village of Mansa district. Ever since the incident, the entire nation has come together to express their deepest condolences to Sidhu and his family. Several celebs from Bollywood, including Vicky Kaushal, Ranveer Singh, Sara Ali Khan, Mika Singh, etc. had also taken to their respective social media handles to offer condolences post the late singer’s demise.
Bigg Boss 13 fame and Punjabi singer-actress Himanshi Khurana also took to her Instagram to share a lovely memory of Sidhu Moose Wala. Taking to her Instagram story she shared the singer’s picture and wrote, “I had hugged you and called you my brother. The next day you planned a dinner for me in Canada and waited for me outside the restaurant until I arrived. That’s when I noticed you wearing mismatched clothes, but you were full of innocence, humbleness, and simplicity. I will always remember this meeting”.
DGP VK Bhawra called it a case of ‘inter-gang rivalry’
As Sidhu Moose Wala’s murder left everyone shocked, VK Bhawra, DGP Punjab, stated that it seems like a matter of inter-gang rivalry. Addressing the media, he said, “After leaving his home when Sidhu Moose Wala was driving his car along with two others in Mansa district, 2 cars came from front & firing took place. He was injured & was taken to hospital where he was brought dead. It seems like an inter-gang rivalry”.
Sidhu Moose Wala Funeral:
The singer’s family took the body for cremation after a post-mortem this morning in Mansa Civil Hospital. According to the autopsy report, 25 bullet wounds were found on the singer’s body. Earlier today, he was cremated on farmland in his native village, Jawaharke in Punjab in the presence of a huge crowd. The body of the famous singer was taken to farm land in his native village on a tractor-trailer amid a huge crowd.
Also Read: Rahul Vaidya expresses shock & disbelief over the sudden demise of Sidhu Moose Wala; VIDEO
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