Ranbir Kapoor will be celebrating his 40th birthday tomorrow. The actor, who had a hectic schedule, will take a day off on his birthday and celebrate with his loved ones. Ranbir Kapoor’s beloved wife Alia Bhatt has some special plans for her husband’s birthday as he will be celebrating the birthday after a gap as due to the death of his father and veteran actor Rishi Kapoor he was not celebrating his birthday. But this time he will as it is his first birthday after marriage and he wants to spend some special time with his wife Alia Bhatt.
A source close to the actor reveals, “Ranbir Kapoor has been a private person all his life. RK is not the type to throw lavish birthday parties but rather celebrates with his loved ones. Alia Bhatt hosted a dinner at their home for their close friends from the industry and more. Karan Johar, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Akansha Rajan, Ayan Mukerji and more are invited to the evening and it will be all about fun and laughter.”
The source further adds, “Alia Bhatt is also not a party person and she also likes to celebrate her special days with close friends and family. And that’s one of the reasons they got married in their home, which was just beautiful. While the evening will be all about good food and drinks, Alia has also ordered a special cake for her beloved hubby’s birthday. Alia also has a special surprise for Ranbir Kapoor and although we don’t know what it is, it will bring a smile to the actor’s face.” Ranbir and Alia tied the knot in April after a 5-year relationship. And soon after their marriage, the couple announced their pregnancy and can’t wait to welcome their first born in December.
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