Harry Styles makes One Direction fans go crazy with deleted photo at the gym

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Harry Styles makes One Direction fans go crazy with deleted photo at the gym
Harry Styles makes One Direction fans go crazy with deleted photo at the gym


Harry Styles teased One Direction fans with a picture he uploaded to Twitter and then delete it right away. The snap featured Harry Styles wearing a One Direction t-shirt after working out and, needless to say, Harry trended on Twitter…again.

Harry Styles and One Direction fans quickly started tweeting, and “HE DELETED IT”

After Styles deleted the picture on Sunday night, fans quickly started tweeting, and “HE DELETED IT” became a trending topic.

Although Sytles’ intention was to eliminate the picture when it’s on the Internet for a second, it’s there for a lifetime and it was captured by others who immediately let all Harries and Directioners alike that there were screenshots of the picture.

One Direction has been on a long-time hiatus that began in 2015

It was quickly spread and people shared it to hint that they might get back together and tour as they have never announced a separation, just a long-time hiatus that began back in 2015.

One Direction had the talent of Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, and Louis Tomlinson.

The latter was recently interviewed by The UK Times and said that “Getting back together at some point is hard to imagine right now. But I’d be surprised if we lived out our lives and didn’t have a moment where we had a reunion, or whatever you want to call it.

He later mentioned that he was up for the reunion ” I’d be up for that … I do miss the boys and I do definitely miss being one of the five, but I like doing my own thing too. It was time.”


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