Two years ago, Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin aired its first episode on television. The audience was introduced to three new characters Virat, Sai and Pakhi Neil Bhatt, Ayesha Singh and Aishwarya Sharma. Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has been successfully winning hearts for two years now. The show has received immense love and also criticism from the fans who are ardent followers. As Ghum Hai turns 2, BollywoodLife caught up with Neil Bhatt and asked him about his journey, Sairaat and more. The actor poured his heart out while talking about his journey as Virat on the TOP TV show.
Neil Bhatt started playing Virat in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin
The completion of two years of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has Neil Bhatt gushing. Happiness rang in his voice as he recounted the success of the show. The handsome actor looked back and remembered that there was so much that he as Neil Bhatt experienced while playing Virat in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. Neil revealed that on a daily basis, as an actor, he has to perform so many scenes that contain different emotions and have different graphics. “It’s been a very rewarding journey for me and Virat too,” says Neil.
Here is a flashback post from the sets of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin:
Neil Bhatt does not shy away from criticism of Virat
Elaborating further on Virat, Neil Bhatt adds that it has been a roller coaster ride for the character and will continue to be so, with a light laugh. The actor further gushes about the love he has received throughout his time as an actor. He does not shy away from criticism and says, “Virat is such a character that you will sympathize with him, but at the same time you will also have a lot of complaints.” The actor admits that sometimes there are aspects of Virat that he too cannot understand. And then he discusses it with his team and asks about the director of the character and what will be the profit for the song in future. He said that after getting a clearer idea, he portrayed Virat as intended.
The actor adds that he has gained a lot of experience after playing Virat, not only professionally but also personally. He adds that it has been a rewarding journey and will continue.
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