Gauahar Khan married Zaid Darbar in 2020. The two recently welcomed a baby boy and have been on cloud nine ever since. Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar are currently busy being parents to their one-month-old baby Zaid. And today they announced the name of their baby boy. Gauahar and Zaid named their baby boy Zehan. The new parents shared some adorable photos of the little family on their Instagram, bearing the name. The photos of Gauahar, Zaid and their baby boy are adorable!
Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar reveal their baby boy’s name
Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar took to social media and shared some pictures with their baby boy. The first photo is of Gauahar and Zaid looking after their little munchkin, Zeehan. Gauahar holds them while Zaid stands next to her and talks to him. Zehan looks curious looking at his father Zaid and tries to understand what he is saying while mother Gauahar looks on adoringly. The second photo is of Zaid holding Zehan while Gauahar holds his little hand with hers. They both adore Zehan.
Gauahar thanked everyone for their love and blessings all this time since the birth of her baby boy. She asks everyone to continue to shower their little one with love and blessings, while asking for some privacy for the adorable munchkin. “He sends his love,” they wrote in the caption. Check out Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar’s shared Instagram post below:
Celebrities like Dipika Kakar, Mahhi Vij, Kishwer Merchant, Gautam Rode, Sophie Choudhary and others showered their love and affection on Gauahar, Zaid and Zehaan. They took to the comments section and sent all their love. We googled the meaning of Zehaan and guess what it means? Zehaan is a boy name and the name means shine, whiteness, prosperous, rich and wealthy and progressive. This is such a wonderful name for their little one.
Talking about Gauahar and Zaid’s love story
According to reports, Gauahar met Zaid at a grocery store for the first time. During the lockdown, they began to meet quite often at the grocery store. They began to grow closer during the pandemic and love soon blossomed between them.
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