From Taurus to Capricorn: 4 Zodiac signs that are absolutely terrible at flirting

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From Taurus to Capricorn: 4 Zodiac signs that are absolutely terrible at flirting
From Taurus to Capricorn: 4 Zodiac signs that are absolutely terrible at flirting


Flirting should come naturally, but somewhere it’s also an art. Your friends may bombard you with advice that you’re supposed to remember in the heat of the moment when a guy compliments you, but “it takes practice. You need to relax your guard a little. Many of us lack that ability and feel lost when we see others who do. They either try too hard to impress and end up looking like a fool, or they don’t try at all.

So, here we bring you 4 zodiac signs that are absolutely terrible at flirting.

1. Capricorn

It’s not like you’re not intelligent and witty, or that you don’t know how to have a reasonable conversation with someone. You are, without a doubt, but you can’t seem to find the right words when you’re face to face with your love interest. They are wary and will wait for the other person to show interest somewhere. They’re a little old-fashioned, and they’re hesitant to approach their significant other.


2. Aquarius

Aquarius people are terrible at flirting, and they’re well aware of it. If they’re interested in you, they’ll saturate you with endless questions. When an Aquarius tries flirting, they become overly cheesy and often overdo their conversations. They’re talking about things that no one has ever heard of, and they don’t understand why people don’t get it. They are impulsive and unexpectedly unpredictable in their actions.


3. Cancer

Cancerians are emotional people, and this shows in their flirting. They come across as either very charming or very caring when they flirt with someone. They are the type of shy people who will wait for you to start conversations. In the name of flirting, they try to exploit their flaws. As a result, it takes an eternity for them to even begin flirting with their ideal partner.


4. Taurus

When it comes to flirting, Taurus is a traditionalist. Instead of approaching the person they like directly, they leave signs for them to pick up. Even when they do, they flirt with too much attitude, which makes the other person uncomfortable. When they try to flirt, they reveal their true selves to the person they are trying to approach.

Flirting is a natural weakness for these zodiac signs.

Also Read: Libra to Taurus: 4 Zodiac signs who are very easy to love


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