Sony SAB’s family drama Vanshaj has most definitely been the talk of the town. Be it a lavish set or the ensemble star cast, the show has turned heads everywhere. With its engaging narrative of inheritance versus capability, Vanshaj has set itself apart from the stereotypical television shows. It has taken grandeur, royalty and opulence to a whole new level while maintaining its strong and uplifting messaging. While Vanshaj is sure to get its audiences thinking and marvelling at its narrative; it has also struck a chord with TV celebrities alike, garnering love from all over the industry. Some actors even took to their social media handles to showcase their support for the show.
Jay Bhanushali: Thought-provoking and great to see a story challenging gender roles in family businesses. Kudos to Swastik Productions @sktorigins @swastikproductions @sonysab
Tina Dutta: Must watch Vanshaj – redefining story telling on television, Kudos to Swastik Productions and Sony SAB@swastikproductions @sonysab @sonysab @rahultewary @g3gill
Himanshu Soni : Congratulations and best wishes @sktorigins @rahultewary @swastikproductions @sonysab Starting from today 10:00 pm @rakeshstar @anjali_tatrari @imsheenabajaj @impuneetissar
Sumedh Mudgalkar: Thought-provoking and great to see a story challenging gender roles in family businesses.All the very best! Kudos to Swastik Productions and the entire cast@sktorigins @swastikproductions @sonysab
Aabhaas Mehta: Congratulations on this journey! Onward and upward! @sktorigins @swastikproductions @rahultewary @sonysab @g3gill
Akangsha Rawat: Saw the 1 st episode yesterday, it was fantastic!! Waiting to watch the 2 nd tonight! @sonysab Vanshaj by @swastikproductions @sktorigins
Subha Rajput: Don’t miss Vanshaj on @sonysab at 10pm
Mohit Duseja: The world of Mahajans!
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