From Gaurav Singh To Sheeba Akashdeep, Here’s What These Celebrities Want To Say About Their Mothers

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From Gaurav Singh To Sheeba Akashdeep, Here’s What These Celebrities Want To Say About Their Mothers

Mother’s day: Mothers are really special, as they not only keep the family stuck together but are also the guiding light for their kids. While we celebrate mothers on May 14, it’s really important to appreciate and recognise the tireless sacrifices they make for us. Taking the opportunity, our favourite TV stars showed gratitude for the love, sacrifices, and efforts their mothers have contributed to their families. From Hansa Singh to Gaurav Singh, check out what they have to say about their mothers.

Hansa Singh

Maa is the universe of unconditional love. They do hold it all together. They always try their best. I am here with an upbringing that I uphold my being. She has always stood by me. I wish her every day to be happy, healthy, and creative, as that’s her mojo. Being a poetess.

There is nothing I can do, but I wish I can give her the happiness with my good work here that she desires. Though otherwise I would love to spend more time with her. I love her to infinity.

Ankit Siwach

Mothers are gods. I wouldn’t say they are next to God, but they are God. They are the most powerful beings; they are the creators. It’s beyond any form of expression. A very happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers around the world.

Every day is Mother’s Day, but let’s celebrate this day only for our mothers. I think every moment that I have spent with her is very special. Although she stays in Meerut and I stay in Mumbai, I call her every day.

Gaurav Singh

I was born in a village in Uttar Pradesh called Udi. We lived in a joint family, and our financial conditions were not great. Most of my family members didn’t have education on their priority list. So, my mom fought with the whole family and made a firm decision, and we shifted to Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh for my education.

My journey as an actor would not have been possible if my mom wasn’t as strong as she is. My mom has been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis for a few years now, and she is not able to stand or walk for a longer duration. Though her condition is getting better now, I just wish to see her recover completely, and then we can travel to different places.

Sheeba Akashdeep

My mother is my best friend, and my every memory of her is that she has been a rock for me, like the rock of Gibraltar. I can do no wrong in her eyes. Even if a neighbour would complain that I have gone to their garden and plucked all the fruits and flowers because I was quite a tomboy when I was a child. I used to climb trees and pluck fruits and flowers constantly.

She would be very defensive and tell me I would buy you fresh fruits and flowers to replace the ones my daughter had plucked. She barely ever yelled at me, and I would like her to be happy and healthy and be the woman she is. She is one of the kindest and loveliest human beings you will ever meet in your life.

Namita Lal

My fondest memory of my mom when I was young was of her running behind me with turmeric and cream to apply to my face. I used to shout at her for doing it, but now that I remember, I cherish all of those moments. And also, because of how my hair or skin is, all credit goes to her. My mother is very graceful and beautiful, and the only thing I would want to do now is spend time with her.

Simaran Kaur

Moms are their children’s pillars of strength. All mothers do a lot for their children. My mother used to help me with my studies in school. Pick me up from school, drop me to my recording studio, pick me up from there, and take me to the dance class. She used to do all of this along with her own work.

She is a doctor, She managed everything for me so well. She is definitely a multi-tasker. If I could achieve a lot of things in my childhood, the credit for them goes to my parents. I will always be grateful to them. We should all love our parents, be with them, love them, support them, and care for them .

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