Finding career inspiration in a startup

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Finding career inspiration in a startup
Finding career inspiration in a startup


Vaishali Cut

Graduation 2023

I’m studying at the moment: MSc in Social Media and Mobile Marketing

Current experience and title: Digital Media Products Intern at Electric Symphony Media

Pronouns: She her

When Vaishali Dulani began exploring the world of business, she had no idea what aspect of the industry she wanted to pursue. After contacting Career Services and landing her dream internship at a startup, she discovered her passion for digital marketing. When she returns to the Lubin School of Business in the fall, Vaishali will be able to apply her real-world experience to what she is learning in class.

How did the Lubin School of Business help you prepare for your current internship?

I had no idea where to start my internship search, but the International Student Professional Training Program (INSPIRE) was a huge help in starting the application process. Everything was properly explained, including how to write a cover letter and network. Pace University offers the best help through Career Services, from customizing your resume to helping you prepare for interviews, which is sure to benefit any job application. It helped me secure this position.

Pace University offers the best help through Career Services, from customizing your resume to helping you prepare for interviews, which is sure to benefit any job application. It helped me secure this position.

What attracted you to this internship?

I was attracted to this internship because it is a dynamic professional role related to my coursework at the Lubin School of Business and the skills I want to build in a marketing career. I’ve also always wanted to gain experience in a startup for my first internship, so this is a real blessing. This internship is a mix of digital, traditional and social media, which is a good start to gain experience in any area of ​​marketing.

Describe what a typical day looks like as an intern at Electric Symphony Media (ESM).

As an intern on the product team, one of my responsibilities is to help set up Facebook and Google Ads campaigns for small and large Electric Symphony Media (ESM) clients. My typical day involves developing campaigns and coming up with content ideas for ESM’s social media.

What has been the most important or most enjoyable aspect of your internship so far?

The best part of the internship is when we have a game day at the end of the week. Everyone participates in teams and competes with each other to keep spirits high. It’s so fun and uplifting. I love the work environment at ESM because it supports my work-life balance.

How did this experience shape or influence your career goals?

There is a lot to learn and there will always be more to learn. Since marketing offers a variety of job opportunities, I wasn’t sure which marketing path I should pursue at first. My experience as an intern at a digital media product gave me the opportunity to learn more about digital marketing. I am confident that I am ready for greater opportunities in the future, having created advertising campaigns and producing content for social media.

How will this experience affect your next semester at Lubin?

Now I will be able to relate more to what will be taught in class as I will now have practical experience. My experience will definitely come in handy in class projects and assignments at Lubin.

Do you have any advice for other Lubin students who would like to pursue an internship in the future?

Don’t give up if you get your first rejection – keep maintaining your CV and LinkedIn profile as they are the key elements in the application process. Also, in my personal experience, the cover letter is very important.

Contact Vaishali:

LinkedIn: Vaishali Dulani
Instagram: @vishiii_


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