Farmington is interviewing three for the city manager position

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Farmington is interviewing three for the city manager position
Farmington is interviewing three for the city manager position

FARMINGTON — The hiring of a new city manager is moving in a positive direction with interviews scheduled for Wednesday evening, Aug. 30.

The search was recently halted after a potential finalist withdrew for personal reasons.

City Clerk Leah Giusti initially said four candidates would be interviewed for the position.

The Board of Selectmen plans to interview three well-qualified candidates Wednesday night, Chairman Matthew Smith said later. He expected a second round of interviews would be necessary this time because of the candidates’ qualifications.

Smith thought the new city manager would not be appointed before the board’s next scheduled meeting on Sept. 12.

Where to place a bench honoring Mary Wright at Walton’s Mill Park was discussed at the Aug. 22 meeting of the Farmington Select Board. The bench seen on July 27 was placed near the new pavilion at the back of the park, but some wanted it closer to the front. Pam Harndon/Livermore Falls Advertiser

In other business, Maranda Nemeth of the Atlantic Salmon Federation gave an update on Walton’s Mill Park, which opened in August. The park will be illuminated at 11 a.m. Friday, September 29.

“We successfully completed the park,” she said. “It’s essentially coming to the fulfillment of our agreement with the city.”

The culverts at Clover Mill and Cummings Hill roads were replaced, the dam removed and improvements to the park were part of a $1.2 million project approved by voters in 2018, 2031 to 1195. The Atlantic Salmon Federation with partner agencies funded the project, because the dam blocks salmon from traveling up Temple Stream to spawn, a violation of the US Endangered Species Act.

After complaints were received about the location of Mary Wright’s bench in Walton’s Mill Park, one possible location is near the camera seen on July 27 documenting changes to Temple Stream. Pam Harndon/Livermore Falls Advertiser

One item still pending is the transfer of $20,000 to the city of Farmington for park operations and maintenance, Nemeth said. That will happen this fall, the money won’t be tracked after that, she noted. She said reports must be provided to various regulatory agencies and several grants must be closed.

Nemeth will also create a simple agreement for the city covering the project’s five-year monitoring requirement.

A high level of attendance is expected at the opening ceremony with the participation of representatives of various funding projects and city officials.

The public is invited, but should be aware there are only 16 parking spaces, so street parking may be required, Nemeth said.

Selectman Joshua Bell asked if it would be easy for the town to maintain trails in the woods and fields.

One of the grants used for the project calls for a portion of the property to be committed for preservation, Nemeth said. “We really had to put a formal conservation description on the property’s deed,” she noted. “Everything in the forest and beyond to the river is protected. I strongly encourage you to review the conservation easement before taking any action.”

Several calls were received it was unacceptable for the Mary Wright bench to be in the back of the park, Smith said.

“The intent was never to be disrespectful,” noted Matthew Foster, director of Parks and Recreation. “The intention was to put it in a quiet place overlooking the falls.”

Foster said it can’t be put where a taxpayer wants it. One possible location for this is near the station, which allows visitors to document changes in the flow over time using photographs, he noted.

“I don’t know this wonderful woman you’re talking about and I’d like you to share a little bit of her,” resident Judith Murphy said.

“She sat here for a very long time, and a big part of the reason Farmington is what it is now is because of Mary Wright,” Smith said.

Wright helped, was involved in the grant that created Walton’s Mill Park, Foster thought.

“It wouldn’t surprise me,” Smith noted. “She was a phenomenal woman. I caught the tail of her quarry as I passed through it. When I think of people in this town who really care about the town, she is one of the people I think of. Her handprint is everywhere.

Selectman Dennis O’Neill said he was impressed with what was done at the park and how it turned out.

The park has had quite a few visitors, Bell noted. “There always seems to be someone there,” he said. “For the most part, people seem to respect it and enjoy it. More people are getting out of their vehicles, using the pavilion or walking down to the water.”

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