In January this year, Vicky Kaushal went out of contention from Aditya Dhar ‘s dream project, The Immortal Ashwatthama, after Jio Studios stepped into it. It may be recalled that the film was on the verge of getting shelved as producer Ronni Screwvala had backed out after considering that it wouldn’t be a commercially viable project for him to back.
Reports then circulated that Ranveer Singh had been roped in as the lead. And then, it was said that even Ranveer was out of contention. Whisper had it that Allu Arjun and Jr NTR were the next two names on the table.
Zoom has it now that a lot moved after all those names floated in the market, Ranveer was back in contention for the protagonist role and happy to do the film and either Allu Arjun or Junior NTR would have gone on to play the antagonist.
Zoom further has it now that post that, both Allu Arjun and Junior NTR soft-pedalled on signing on the dotted line. And then Jio Studios decided to put the film on the backburner; Jio Studios wanted the antagonist also to be big enough in star value to make the project get its justified response at the ticket windows, considering the amount of money they would have pumped in.
So, for now, YET AGAIN, The Immortal Ashwatthama is not happening. Economics is a very sensible word in business, more so in Bollywood now where a lot of films are struggling to set the cash registers ringing loudly.