Expectations from the box office were riding high on Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan with theatres returning to normal functioning, Salman Khan returning to the big screen and of course, the superstar arriving on Eid. The film also had masala elements like ‘Bhai’ performing over-the-top action. Despite his massive fan following, Khan failed to meet the grand success and overcome Pathaan, which is currently the biggest blockbuster in terms of Hindi films. In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama, trade analyst Taran Adarsh explained the possible weakness of the action drama as he discussed about the works of writer-director Farhad Samji.
EXCLUSIVE: Taran Adarsh believes Farhad Samji is a better ‘writer’ than a ‘director as he opens up on Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan failure; says, “I wouldn’t rate him as one of the best directors in Salman Khan’s body of work”
In the interview, Taran Adarsh mentioned that Farhad Samji may currently be a better writer than a director. While his skills as a writer impressed the trade analyst, he wasn’t satisfied with his directorial skills in Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. He told Bollywood Hungama, “You know some people are very good as writers. They have got that gift of writing witty and good lines. I genuinely feel that he is a better writer than a director. He did impress me in certain portions in Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan but I genuinely feel that he has limitations. I wouldn’t rate him as one of the best directors in Salman Khan’s body of work.” However, the trade analyst was quick to add that maybe with time, Farhad will prove his skills as a director too. “Maybe with the passage of time he might approve. Perhaps if he makes a film of his choice, then may be the true Farhad Samji will come out,” he added.
Along with that, Taran Adarsh also discussed about the weakness of Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. While he maintained that it could hold true for any film that didn’t work well at the box office, he continued, “Any film should keep me glued to the screen where you can’t even blink and you are lost in a completely different world in those few hours. That is the power of cinema and magic of the big screen. Unfortunately, when you get distracted by your surroundings, then we should realize that something on the big screen is not holding your attention. That’s where cinema fails.”
He also maintained that writing is one of the most important aspects of filmmaking which is often overlooked. “Writing is the most important part. Unfortunately, we don’t pay attention to writing and we expect the star power to dominate and take us to safety. That doesn’t happen. Star power can help for a day to two but ultimately the content speaks. So, you need to get the content right in the first place.”
Also Read: Taran Adarsh shares his opinion on Salman Khan’s potential beyond “masala stuff”; says, “He needs to work with better directors”
More Pages: Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan Box Office Collection , Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan Movie Review
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