Evoloshen’s journey started with the international bestselling book Engage! Your Step by Step Guide to Creating a Workplace that You, Your Co-Workers, and Your Customers Love. Researching companies that had a great company culture became one of the main catalysts to work with culture. From there, it was a matter of listening to clients’ needs and creating programs that could support them in their cultural development. Evoloshen has been recognized as the most influential company. For over a decade now, Evoloshen has been working on supporting progressive CEOs and CHROs to develop a great company culture by working with their employees. When people thrive, are happy, and feel connected and cared for in their workplace, they will be more engaged and loyal to a company. So their programs work on helping companies systematize activities that increase engagement and help to build a high trust organization. Over the years, Evoloshen has found that when you start with a strong foundation of trust, it becomes much easier to do all the other work. Working strategically and actively to build a caring culture based on trust is the key to shifting an organization’s culture.
It’s all about having a solid bigger purpose as to WHY we do what we do. The purpose at Evoloshen is to bring joy to the workplace with the vision of transforming business through culture. Dr. Paul Zak, a well-known neuro-economist, professor, and author of The Trust Factor, came up with a formula that encapsulates Evoloshen’s work: Joy = Purpose + Trust… purpose and trust are the levers the team works with to create more joy at work. The edge comes from listening to client needs and creating programs that develop their employees both professionally and personally and that helps to develop organizationally as well.
Evoloshen and its team, as well as the world, are to experience around 100 years of technological advancements in the next four years (2022 – 2026).
There’s a lot of concern and excitement around robotics displacing so many jobs. Many organizations are proactively re-skilling their employees rather than planning to let them
- Education and training at all levels are quite important for companies now. One thing technology can never replace is imagination, creativity, and invention. So Evoloshen expects see a shift for individuals to know their purpose and passions and match their jobs / work / career on that basis. Companies need to integrate the hybrid working model and take into consideration a more nomadic workforce in the coming years as well. Also, during the covid years, Evoloshen made the transition to working digitally quickly. Their companywide trainings are now a proven concept. Evoloshen is here to make a positive impact in people’s lives and company cultures as technological and organizational changes accelerate.
“Because we had already been doing our training online before 2020, it was quite easy for us to shift 100% online. It also helped us to scale our reach much further because we started working with ALL the employees of companies versus just the leaders or key people. We saw how it was a “super booster” to the culture when everyone was involved in learning and growing together. Our trainings connect people who normally would not need to interact so it breaks down silos and connects employees on a deeper level that could not be achieved otherwise, ”says Karin Volo, CEO of Evoloshen. Evoloshen’s global team is always sharing ideas, news, trends from different markets as well, which keeps us tuned in not only organizationally but also culturally.
Evoloshen is not only a tech-driven company but is much more about the people and developing them to reach their full potential. Technology supports what it does so that it can scale up and have a more global reach. Evoloshen has had participants from over 35 countries taking the training. Without great people who love their jobs and their companies, company culture will not thrive. When leaders invest in their people’s development, one can see how it increases engagement, well-being, connection, productivity, loyalty and so much more.
The last few years, Evoloshen’s focus has been on building trust because that is truly the foundation of creating a great company culture. They have worked with large global consulting companies to smaller fast-growing companies to traditional manufacturing / production companies. The common thread is not the industry or the size of the company but rather the leaders who understand the value of culture work and are looking to accelerate their impact.
EasyPark, a global parking app, chooses to work with Evoloshen during the pandemic because they were able to customize training for all their employees. Partially it was to connect their employees because they could not do their annual kick-off meeting in person. They also created monthly labs and have had many employees supported by a great team of coaches.
The journey for Evoloshen has been in listening to clients’ needs, strategic partnering with CEOs and CHROs as support, and consistently delivering great training and programs that impact employees and their organizations positively. The team loves its clients and the people it works with whether it’s through training, consulting, inspirational speaking, coaching, or mentoring. For Evoloshen it’s not about the transactional aspects but rather the genuine caring that brings great energy and joy to their workplaces.
The entire team of Evoloshen shares the same values of wanting to make a positive difference in the workplace. They are passionate and purpose-driven. They have a high level of integrity and believe in delivering excellence. And it truly does care about each other and the people it serves.
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