Ekta Kapoor was recently seen crying at the trailer launch of her upcoming film ‘Goodbye’ starring Rashmika Mandana and Amitabh Bachchan. The trailer is breathtaking and will make your eyes water. While Ekta, who couldn’t hold back her tears at the trailer launch, claimed to be fake crying and said that apart from writing drama, she has learned to act. Well, the survival of Bollywood celebrities is really getting tough in this phase of social media. One cannot express one’s feelings or one will be trolled. NO?
Farewell trailer release Ekta Kapoor fake cry as she knows the result of the film amid this boycott trend, netizens claim.
Ekta Kapoor was earlier criticized for re-releasing Pavitra Rishta after the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, who started his career with the same show alongside Ankita Lokhande. The internet slammed the television queen for using Sushant Singh Rajput’s death to her advantage. After the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, the boycott of Bollywood teenagers has left makers, producers and everyone in the industry worried about the business of cinema. Every movie to be released faces a boycott and we only conclude if that ever stops. Although actors claim that if the content is good, ray films definitely work and the classic example is Gangubai Kathiawadi, Kartik Aaryan’s Bhool Bhulaiyaa and Rajamouli’s RRR.
While we wait, what fate will Rashmika Mandana’s Bollywood debut film Goodbye see? Goodbye trial has received an amazing response so far, people are raving about the performance of Rashmika, Bug B and Neena Gupta and can’t wait to watch the entire film. The film also stars Sunil Grover in a special role.
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