Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s Brahmastra’s trailer comes out today on the 15th of June. Ayan Mukerji’s fantasy-drama is without a question, one of the most-awaited films in recent years? Ever since the first motion poster of the film was dropped a few weeks back, fans have been excitedly waiting for the trailer and release. Apart from the lovebirds, it also features Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna, and Mouni Roy in key roles. While this is the first time Ranbir and Alia will be sharing screen space together, did you know that Alia once said that she was glad Brahmastra is the first film they are doing together?
Yes, you read that right! In an earlier interview with Pinkvilla, Alia praised Ranbir and said that she has a lot to learn from him. She further added that she is glad to be collaborating for the first time with Ranbir in a movie like Brahmastra. “I’m actually very glad that the first time he and I are coming together is for a film like this. There was a time when I used to think—‘When will I get to work with him? What will happen?’ And then this happened. Also, it has been a while since Brahmastra was conceptualised—it was five years ago right after Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani. That was also the time Ayan [Mukerji] and I bonded. It was a very big moment for me when he offered me this part. I wasn’t who I am today then but he still trusted in me. It was a big deal for me and from that day to now, I have always looked forward to being on that set everyday. Because it’s a new challenge each day and it has given me abandon as an actor.”
Alia further said, “I have always felt that when Ranbir and I come together, it has to be magical and literally, it can’t get more magical than this. I’m saying all this with great hope and not being pompous about it. We’re working very hard towards that.”
Earlier yesterday, both Ranbir and Alia took to social media to share the trailer announcement with their millions of fans and followers. While Alia said that she has not been sleeping well for a week due to the excitement, Ranbir said that he is dying to know how the audience would react to the trailer.
Brahmastra hits theatres on the 9th of September.
ALSO READ: Ahead of Brahmastra trailer launch, 10 things you must know about Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt starrer
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