Does Stacy London Still Agree With Her What Not To Wear Fashion Rules?

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Does Stacy London Still Agree With Her What Not To Wear Fashion Rules?
Does Stacy London Still Agree With Her What Not To Wear Fashion Rules?

In the decade since “What Not To Wear” ended, Stacey London’s views on fashion have undergone a dramatic makeover. “The advice I give now is much more about understanding what someone wants to convey and feel, and I try to help them get there,” she told Repeller, adding, “I’m happy to provide guard rails so you don’t go careening off the road but I’m not going to pick the make, model and color of the car for you.” In other words, dress to feel confident, not to fit in.

That being said, the former TLC host believes that some things are indisputable. For example, London explained to InStyle that pointy shoes will always create the illusion of longer legs — “I didn’t make the game. I just want you to win,” she quipped. When choosing how to dress, it can be helpful to consider geometry or even the viral “rule of threes,” dividing your outfit into three key components.

Ultimately, the world of fashion has changed dramatically since Stacy and Clinton went off the air. Thanks to social media, it’s hard to predict where we’ll be 5 years down the road, let alone tomorrow. The trend cycle is churning out pants, skirts, and shirts at warp speed, and we’re all holding onto our wardrobes for dear life.

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