Do you allow the production of “gems” or “crystals” in the context of human talent?

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Do you allow the production of “gems” or “crystals” in the context of human talent?
Do you allow the production of “gems” or “crystals” in the context of human talent?


January 3, 2023

November 21, 2022

(A simple tool to measure the effectiveness of the prevailing talent management system)

There are fierce battles to secure/retain the desired talent in the corporate landscape, especially in progressive organizations. This is very visible in countries where the economy is booming mainly due to the positive outlook/forecasts driven by the “relentless” recovery sentiments from the contraction experienced during the worst ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Any government action to control rising and persistent inflation due to “turbo” economic activity is being marginalized ( by hordes of customers/customers who want to experience some form of “stability” predictability/normalcy’ back into their lives as organizations try to adjust to the resulting surge in demand by recalling/re-hiring/retaining talent ( that is critical to sustaining pace with exponential business growth.

An interesting factor observed in the relevant context is that customers/customers are fueling the rejuvenation of brick and mortar businesses that were replaced/removed/surpassed during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic by the online titans, as -late are currently downsizing/retrenching/freezing their workforce ( It also contributes to rethinking professional priorities and changing careers/industries while boosting the ranks of new entrepreneurs. However, talent growth and transition is not uniform across industries ( and prudent employers are careful to expand their workforce with an eye on future organizational imperatives rather than simply satisfying the alluring. short term needs. Therefore, the following instrument, as an interpretable Yes/No questionnaire, is presented to assess the efficacy of the prevailing talent management system in enabling the production of “Gems” (talent that consistently delivers on its promise) or “Strasies ” (a talent that consistently disappoints with its promises) in the context of human talent:

  1. Are your recruitment initiatives focused exclusively on attracting talent from elite academic institutions?
  2. Are your compensation packages designed to lure talent away from competitors instead of attracting new talent?
  3. Are you very strict about adhering to the job specifications and actively filter out candidates who are deemed “unsuitable” because of their unique backgrounds and work experience?
  4. Are your core values ​​designed for cloning rather than giving the freedom to display the best aspects of humanistic talent?
  5. Is your talent management system designed to respond, not to reform?
  6. Do you view training and development opportunities as a “reward for obedience” rather than imperative to reskill/up-skill/multi-task your workforce to stay relevant and competitive?
  7. Are your policies/processes/procedures/practices failing to provide space for “rebellious” thinking that challenges the “norms” in the context of innovation?
  8. Is your criteria for promotion heavily weighted in favor of someone who “listens/obeys” without question over someone who “discusses/deliberates” with solid insights?
  9. Does your idea of ​​”Employee Engagement” see “Happy Employees” from the outside instead of ensuring/ensuring “Engaged Employees” from the inside?
  10. Do you see teamwork as an excuse to “hide” the underperformance/flaws of your favorites from personal observation by overwhelming those without any influential backers?
  11. Are you promoting DIBE (Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, Equality) initiatives as ‘things to do’ rather than a strong reflection of a genuine desire to use the strengths of the available workforce to enhance ‘core competencies’?
  12. Do you tend to “Fad Surfing” ( rather than institutionalizing customized talent management practices that are most beneficial to your organization?
  13. Do you tend to have fixed/rigid ideas about the prevailing talent management system, while ignoring/denying/marginalizing the need to refine/improve prevailing policies/processes/procedures/practices in line with the evolution of the relevant ecosystem, e.g. facilitating and supporting workforce preferences for remote or hybrid work?
  14. Are your succession pipelines clogged with disillusioned talent unable to progress further due to a lack of timely openings in senior roles?
  15. Does your “Total Rewards Package” preclude providing quality employee experiences?
  16. Is your talent management system unreasonably designed to benefit certain segments of the multigenerational workforce at the expense of other members?
  17. Would you rather hire “external talent” than develop “internal talent” to improve the quality of your workforce?
  18. Do you avoid doing “exit interviews” with disgruntled/disillusioned/disillusioned employees by dismissing/denying/downplaying their contributions to the organization?
  19. Does your office humor reflect a tone of cutting sarcasm and helpless resignation to the way things are done in your organization?
  20. Does your work environment harbor an undercurrent of resentment against talent differentiation based on questionable policies/processes/procedures/practices?
  21. Do you have a poor organizational reputation as a “quality talent feeder” in the relevant labor market?
  22. Do you have long-term employees who are there because they “have to” rather than “want to” because the desire/demand for their skills with other potential employers is quite low?
  23. Do you consider AI-enabled entities to be “human talent replacement” alternatives rather than “human talent augmentation” options?
  24. Are you resisting investments related to the growth and development of your employees, mainly out of fear that they will take their improved skill sets elsewhere with better working conditions?
  25. Your allocation of available resources, particularly in terms of increasing the skill levels of the workforce, e.g. provision of capable mentors, is it driven by nepotism, favoritism and/or organizational politics?
  26. Do you play on your employees’ insecurities by forcing them to accept lofty goals that are nearly impossible to fully achieve with the resources available, and then mark them as “average performers” during performance reviews?
  27. Do you tend to use technology as a “buffer” to avoid face-to-face conversations, especially around “difficult” issues?
  28. Do you continue to modify/change performance standards based on personal whims rather than what is possible within available resources and known workforce capabilities?
  29. Do you downplay successes/accomplishments and exaggerate failures/shortcomings to foster a sense of insecurity in the workforce to keep them from leaving the organization?
  30. Do you tend to see the phenomenon of “Moonlighting” ( as a violation of the “attachment” owed to the organization, even though you are factually aware that it has no impact on the relevant professional duties of dedicated employees ?
  31. Do you prefer to have separate corporate social events instead of meaningful networking/bonding opportunities between senior management and the rest of the workforce?
  32. Do you tend to view mental health as a “personal” issue that is largely unrelated to the workplace?
  33. Do you have a negative view of the role of trade unions in terms of adding value to employment relations/conditions?
  34. Do you tend to view “change initiatives” as “futile exercises” rather than “priceless opportunities” for improvement?
  35. Are you unwilling to place significant responsibility on senior management for failures to make sound decisions, e.g. related to the inadequacy/deficiency of risk management plans related to effectively countering workplace issues following the COVID-19 pandemic?
  36. Are your organizational goals driven by top management’s short-term personal ambitions rather than corporate imperatives for long-term relevance and competitiveness?
  37. Do you have a fixed mindset about the role each function plays in the organization and often resist the temptation to multi-skill your workforce due to the constant fear of moving up the ranks of irreplaceable employees?
  38. Do you often neglect to align the needs of the organization with the personal ambitions/aspirations of employees while formulating personalized career growth and advancement plans with them?
  39. Do your brightest former employees often fail in other organizations?
  40. Do your former employees rarely keep in touch with their former colleagues in your organization?
  41. Do you often give professional references to former employees?
  42. Is your leadership often caught up in crisis management instead of focusing on productively engaging the workforce?
  43. Do your leaders often take credit for the work of “star” team members as examples of their own “good leadership” instead of recognizing the work of those “star” team members as examples of “stellar performance” to motivate other team members ?
  44. Are you easily swayed by rumors floating around the organizational grapevine and actively perpetuate falsehoods to keep the workforce in a state of uncertainty?
  45. Do you have “clever responses” to deny/neutralize/neutralize promising suggestions for improvement made by “caring” and “capable” employees?
  46. Are your team meetings often peppered with heavy-handed arguments from influential members about “what can’t be done” instead of “what can be done”?
  47. Do you tend to blame the workforce for the gains made by competitors in increasing their market share, instead of having honest self-reflection in terms of evaluating and correcting leadership failures/deficiencies?
  48. Are you dismissing/denying/marginalizing your organization’s high attrition rates as “industry average” instead of diligently researching and wisely investing in retention strategies that address desired talent?
  49. Do you feel that your organization is so unique that no comparison with other organizations is considered possible in terms of talent management practices and seeking opportunities for improvement against widely recognized best practices?
  50. Do you discourage opportunities for your workforce to attend professional engagements, e.g. seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. that can help them interact freely with talent from other organizations to enhance their own capabilities?

The following table should be used to interpret the above Yes/No questions:

This tool is designed and developed to assist senior/senior managers and HR/talent management professionals in timely and proactively assessing the viability/vulnerability of the talent management system being implemented by their organizations and undertaking appropriate corrective/preventive actions in case any deficiencies/deficiencies are found. This requires an honest assessment of current policies/processes/procedures/practices with an open and adaptive mindset to ensure/ensure that talent in the workforce is not reduced/depleted/at risk, especially in critical positions. It also helps build a solid foundation for a robust “Employer Brand” that is not only a “Quality Source of Experienced Talent” to the market, but also a “Strong Magnet for Fresh Talent” to revitalize organizational talent pipelines. How are your initiatives doing in terms of facilitating the production of ‘valuable’ human talent?


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