Kundali Bhagya starring Shraddha Arya and Dheeraj Dhoopar is one of the most popular shows on screens and enjoys a massive fan following. Dheeraj Dhoopar, who essays the main character, Karan, has recently bid adieu to the show after 5 long years. He recently opened up on exiting the show and said that Karan Luthra (his character in the show) will always be one of the most iconic characters ever on Indian television.
While talking to Indian Express, Dheeraj said, “I understand that they do not want to believe that I am leaving the show. But trust me I am moving away with a happy heart. It’s not a break to welcome my baby as I can start working tomorrow if something exciting comes up. Five years is a long time and I felt it was time to move to newer things. I am just so glad everything worked out amicably with the makers. Balaji is home to me and Kundali Bhagya and Ekta Kapoor have given me everything. Karan Luthra will always be one of the most iconic characters ever on Indian television. Fans are upset but I am sure they will understand and support me in my future projects.”
A few days back, Dheeraj penned a heartfelt note as he left the show. He shared a journey video and wrote, “Good byes are never easy..Karan Luthra was my baby & will always be. I’ve not only performed this character but lived every bit of him with immense joy & pride. I’ve earned every inch of my stardom & tremendous love only bcos of Kundali bhagya & Karan Luthra.. And that shall never be forgotten! Taking a bow with a happy heart & completely filled with gratitude, today & forever..Big thanks to all the fans for making me feel like a king every day. EK @ektarkapoor you’ve given me everything, Balaji is home & will always be…My team( @varunthebabbar , @jassi.k15 , @ritesh.n.yadav , @muktadhond , @sahil.sharma540 , @sacorina ) my cast ( @sarya12 @manitjoura @ruhiiiiiiiiii @neels_99 @ushabachani4 @hindujaanisha @naveensaini9 @kapursahab @twinkle_vasisht @nzoomfakih @supriyarshukla @madhuraja2011 ) & the whole crew for making this journey the best one, words won’t suffice my emotions but I hope you guys know what ya’ll mean to me…So much love pouring in since this news is out, I feel overwhelmed.. I hope all the fans find the good in this goodbye, big love to each one ! Yours Truly, #TKL”
ALSO READ: Dheeraj Dhoopar on exiting Kundali Bhagya: Moving on from the show was demand of the script & need of the hour
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