Detailed labor market data on the impact of the pandemic

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Detailed labor market data on the impact of the pandemic
Detailed labor market data on the impact of the pandemic


Jobs in 2019-20

Total jobs in 2019-20 fell by 0.7% compared to the previous financial year, according to Jobs in Australia figures based on annual personal income tax data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics ( ABS).

Bjorn Jarvis, head of labor statistics at the ABS, said: “There were just under 20 million jobs held by people in the 2019-20 financial year, the last quarter of which included the start of the pandemic. As with other labor statistics, this data shows that jobs held by women are declining at a faster rate than men (-0.8 percent compared to -0.7 percent).”

“While jobs held by women declined at a faster rate between 2018-19 and 2019-20, over the previous five years, jobs held by women increased at a much faster rate than men (9.3% compared to 6.9%).’

“The impact of the pandemic on younger workers is also visible in these data, with jobs held by people aged 29 or younger showing the biggest decline. Job losses were most pronounced for 21-24-year-olds (a total of 79,000 jobs, or about 39 percent of all jobs lost by people 29 or younger).”

This version includes detailed annual regional and industry information at a much more specific level than is possible from other labor statistics. For example, it contains annual labor market information for more than 2,000 Australian regions (statistical level 2) and more than 500 local government areas.

More detailed industry data provides insight into the industries most affected by COVID.

“The data that will soon be available on TableBuilder will be extremely important in giving us a deeper understanding of the impact on the labor market during the pandemic,” said Mr Jarvis.

“While previous data showed how much the hospitality and food service and arts and entertainment industries were affected, as well as some of the larger parts of those industries, this data provides much deeper insights. For example, providing new insights into the experiences of the six more detailed industry groups within the accommodation and food services industry and seventeen within the arts and leisure services industry,” said Mr Jarvis.

Personal income in 2019-20

In addition to information on the labor market, the latest data also provide information on personal income.

In 2019-20, the median personal income was $52,338, an increase of almost 2 per cent on 2018-19. The Australian Capital Territory had the highest median personal income ($68,325), while Tasmania had the lowest ( $47,909).


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