Businesses have been evolving ever since WWI. Thanks to technology, the way people interact within or across the organization have changed now. F2F meetings moved to teleconferences and now to video conferencing. However, one thing that remained constant through all these transitions levels was difficulty remembering the things that were discussed in the meeting.
While the assistants to the managers or facilitators did reduce the problem to an extent, it was still not enough to put an end to this. This is where technology is again stepped in to automate the task of note-taking while management focused on doing their job without the concern of missing out on any points later. Copytalk is one such organization that is trying to solve this problem of note-taking for enterprises without compromising the confidentiality of the content.
Maree Moscati, CEO of Copytalk, was with the CEO Views team to share their story of building and bringing Copytalk to the enterprise world.
Maree Moscati describes Copytalk’s journey as an intriguingly forward spiral. The beginnings start all the way back when Palm PDAs were at their peak. One of the founders wanted a way to update their palms on the go without having to thumb-type or sit down at a computer. They always had cell phones and the palm, so the match seemed a logical one (so much so that these days most folks have devices that integrate both of those previously-separate device functions). Copytalk was then launched to support this, and as a nominal add-on, the ability to send e-mail using the same phone call system was included.
This soon caught the attention of enterprises and gained much-required momentum. People in the financial services industry started adopting Copytalk as an affordable means of updating their client meeting documentation on the go. And this marked the successful beginning of Copytalk.
Success factors
Copytalk’s focus was on customers and industries that have gravitated to highly accurate compliance-driven transcription. This focus has allowed them to tailor their offering to meet those customers’ needs best. They are also fortunate in that they have representative customers that are highly engaged, interested, and able to give them feedback on their initiatives and evolving needs in the voice of data space.
In the earliest stage, they recognized the emerging importance of security and compliance. The major platform for their success lies in Solid security and the ability to demonstrate a robust framework. They realized that security was their primary preference, and also, they were aware of the need to enhance their customer experience and continue to provide end-user value. Originally a phone-only service, they have now expanded their platform to include mobile and embedded website offerings. Copytalk has also expanded its offerings to include data transformation and integration with technology platforms.
Trends in the industry
As it was discussed earlier, the growth of regulation has led to a parallel growth in (infra) structural controls within the financial services sector. The primary responsibility of every company is to make sure that their people document and document thoroughly and securely. In addition to their always-improving security elements, they are working on ways to integrate into their established systems like CRMs so that the convenience of dictating from anywhere also provides the convenience of deliverables in forms that reduce tedious copy-paste work on the client’s part .
Driving the innovation
Since the company started with its plan, its senior technology team built up in parallel with a good experience. That long-running experience gives Copytalk the context in which to evaluate emerging industry trends and how Copytalk’s services can best serve new and existing clients. Copytalk’s long history and strong relationship with clients also provide a valuable resource that helps influence and guide their product roadmap.
Maree Moscati also said that Copytalk has developed industry-leading technologies to assist enterprises in the task of simplifying documentation that regulators want to see – especially in light of the Reg BI scenario. Copytalk’s patent-pending technology, The Copytalker is an API that sits within a CRM, advisor workstation or fintech platform that allows their clients, by the simple push of the Copytalker button to dictate their notes directly to the client’s file. No need to use their apps or landline. Copytalk
Enterprise clients that avail themselves of this technology has the most efficient, secure, and accurate way to have notes dictated directly where they need to be on any device the advisors are using. Laptop, desktop, tablet, or phone. Simple!
Additionally, Dictation Guides is Copytalk’s latest technology that allows structured dictation that is consistent in their approach and can be customized for any Enterprise. They offer their clients a basic Reg BI or Standard dictation format currently. However, Enterprise clients experiencing the value of Dictation Guides have contracted with Copytalk’s development team to create annual reviews, customized Reg BI, and onboarding new client meeting notes to name a few.
Solutions for the future
The Copytalk team believes that culture is also one of their services. Teamwork, approach to satisfy the needs of their clients in technological advances, client servicing, training their transcriptionists, or simply providing free CE credit programs for CFPs. The technologies they use are the ones that they find are most responsive to their clients’ needs.
Copytalk’s goal is to transform voice data into the format most useful to their clients. Often this transformation takes the form of integrations with existing products or platforms. These platforms might include CRMs, customer portals, or Intranet applications. In many of these instances, the technology used is proscribed by the client’s existing solution. At Copytalk, they are able to leverage their experienced internal staff to work with the technology platform that is the best fit for those solutions.
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