Produced by popular couple Ravie Dubey and Sargun Mehta’s under their banner Dreamiyata Entertainment, popular show Swaran Ghar is all set to go off air in November. The TV show, which currently airs on Colors, features Sangita Ghosh and Ajay Singh Chaudhary in the lead roles. It hit the tube on February 28 and will complete a run of around nine months.
Colors’ show Swaran Ghar to go off air in November
Speaking about the show going off air, leading lady Sangita Ghosh said, “I don’t know how to react to this news. It was doing fairly well. All I can say is that I am happy that we are going when we are still doing well and we haven’t been pushed out. I am sure that people who are watching the show religiously will be heartbroken.” Detaching herself from ‘Swaran Ghar will be a task’, asserted the actress.
She went on to add, “Swaran Ghar has become an important part of my life. I left everything to be Swaran and am living it every day. Since the set is in Chandigarh, I don’t go back to my home or my family after the shoot wraps up. So, disconnecting from Swaran is going to be difficult. I enjoyed myself thoroughly while playing the part. She has been an inspiration to me also. Let’s see what happens on the last day of the shoot. Actors are quite emotional and I am no different. Asar toh hota hi hai! We can keep talking about the switch-on-and-switch-off approach, but acting is all about emotions. Hum log dil se sochte hain dimaag se bahut kam sochte hain”.
Set in Chandigarh and the show won audiences’ hearts instantly with its touching emotional story.
Also Read: Swaran Ghar: Sangita Ghosh responds to criticism regarding her dupatta scene and also to Kamya Panjabi’s comment
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