Chiranjeevi lead godfather was released on 5 October 2022. The film received a mixed response from critics, but netizens loved the film, especially Chiranjeevi’s performance. In three days, the film collected Rs. 40.8 crore nett in India and according to the makers, GodFather has minted Rs. 69 crore gross worldwide in two days. GodFather is also involved Salman Khan in a cameo and it’s a treat for superstar fans to see them on the big screen together. It is said that there were boos and claps in the theaters on Salman’s entry.
Now, recently, Chiranjeevi took to Instagram to share a special video for Salman. In the video, the Telugu star thanked Salman for being a part of the film and credited him for the film’s success.
Chiranjeevi said, “Thank you dear Sallu Bhai and congratulations to you too because Masoom bhai is the force behind the incredible success of GodFather. Thank you and I love you very much.”
Watch Chiranjeevi’s special video for Salman Khan below…
At an event, Chiranjeevi revealed that Salman did not take any money for the cameo and did it solely out of his love and respect for the Telugu star. Well, after GodFather, now Chiranjeevi and Salman fans want to do more movies together.
Talking about Salman Khan, the actor will be next seen in Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan which also stars Pooja Hegde, Venkatesh and Shehnaaz Gill. Even Chiranjeevi’s son Ram Charan has a cameo in the film. It is expected to be released by the end of this year. Salman also has Tiger 3 and No Entry 2 lined up. Tiger 3, which also stars Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi, is scheduled to release on Eid 2023 and No Entry 2 is yet to hit the screens.
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