Celebrities are losing it over Kendall Jenner’s cucumber costume

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Celebrities are losing it over Kendall Jenner’s cucumber costume


Yep, Kendall went as a cucumber for HalloweenJP Yim – Getty Images

Kendall Jenner’s viral cucumber slicing video is, hands down, one of the most memorable pop culture moments of 2022. The internet went *wild* for it and so it was only a matter of time before people decided to recreate the moment at Halloween. Someone we didn’t expect to do just that, though, was Kendall herself, who was reportedly “not happy” with the whole hoo-ha about the clip a few months ago. But it seems we were sorely mistaken, with the model now embracing the hilarious meme with her latest Halloween costume.

Hot on the heels of her Jessie from Toy Story look, Kendall’s second dress-up number has a more humourous feel to it. Trading in her cow print chaps and crop top, the model just shared a pic on Instagram showing her repping a sliced cucumber design with a knife in one hand. Yep, the 26-year-old is leaning into the ‘if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em’ mentality, which is pretty darn refreshing IMO.

Kendall captioned the post, “i’m giving out fruits and veggies tonight” and I, for one, obsessed. And so were celebrities.

“😂😂😂” commented Kim Kardashian, while Hailey Bieber wrote “Cryin”. Khloé Kardashian added, “You win the award”, and Normani noted, “oh my goahhhhh😂😂😂”.

See Kendall’s look here:

Yep, you can’t help but love a self-deprecating costume choice, and this is a top-notch example.

Now, the question is, are the Kardashians done with their (many) Halloween costumes yet, or have they got a few more up their sleeves?

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