Case Investigative Interview Tool: Talking to People about COVID-19

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Case Investigative Interview Tool: Talking to People about COVID-19
Case Investigative Interview Tool: Talking to People about COVID-19


A successful case interview allows critical information to be gathered about a person diagnosed with COVID-19 and contact contacts, while providing support, referrals, and answers to questions the person may have. The purposes of the case interview are to assess the individual’s medical condition, gather information for continued monitoring and support, and obtain the names and whereabouts of people who may have been exposed to COVID-19 (close contacts).

The interview process should be more than just ticking off a case report form. Developing trust and empathy while maintaining a professional relationship with the individual is key to providing the most effective support and gathering the most accurate information to inform the next steps in a contact tracing investigation.

Case investigators and contact tracers have the primary goal of preventing the further spread of COVID-19 by promptly identifying cases and contacts to be isolated or quarantined, if indicated. Rapid case investigation and contact tracing should remain the primary objective of the case investigation and contact tracing workforce. These public health workers can also help connect people with important services and resources, such as vaccination against COVID-19.

This document provides suggested communication strategies for interviewing cases of COVID-19. Scripts may need to be modified to meet site-specific needs, including but not limited to highlighting available resources, cultural nuances, exposure sites, and epidemiologic data collection. Appendix A includes a table to help case investigators consider the various exposure sites where people with COVID-19 may have interacted with close contacts. Interviewers should use what is useful and most appropriate for the interaction; all questions or statements may not be necessary and additional probing questions may be necessary. Programs are encouraged to share best practices in frameworks and phrases when identified.

Principles for interacting with people with COVID-19

Language is important. Language sets the stage for building rapport with people with COVID-19 and opens the door for honest dialogue. It is extremely important to establish open communication with people diagnosed with COVID-19 so that they feel comfortable disclosing the names and location information of their close contacts. Open communication also helps people express their needs for safe isolation and helps them feel comfortable seeking help if their COVID-19 symptoms worsen.

When supportive statements and genuine concern are combined with active listening and open-ended questions, powerful information can be gathered to interrupt the spread of the virus. Asking open-ended questions encourages dialogue and elicits more detailed information. Often the information is useful to learn more about the person and their circumstances. Remember that each person is unique and this is not intended as a script. The interviewer should listen carefully to the answers and add or remove questions as appropriate.


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