Can you answer the toughest interview question of the year?

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Can you answer the toughest interview question of the year?


When asked about diversity, equity and inclusion during a job interview, what do you say? With one of the biggest trends in recruiting in 2022 being an emphasis on diversity and inclusion, it comes as no surprise to me when my veteran clients of all races report being asked interview questions about their thoughts on diversity . This is especially common for those interviewing for executive or management roles.

The toughest interview question of 2022

Since numerous studies show that a more diverse workplace is a more productive workplace, you can expect the topic of diversity to come up in different ways during your interview. The interviewer may ask:

· What does diversity, equity and inclusion mean to you?

· Tell me about a time when you had to work with people from different backgrounds.

· What do you see as a challenge in a diverse workplace?

· How do you promote equity and inclusion in the workplace?

While you can admit that these questions need to be asked, that doesn’t make the topic easy to discuss, even among friends. It’s even harder to articulate your ideas in front of strangers who are judging your employability.

As the Lead Transition Coach for’s Veteran Employment Project, I can tell you that you can answer these questions well with careful preparation.

Keep in mind that the hiring manager is always trying to find out two things about you during an interview: A) Have you done this type of work with any success? And B) Will you fit into the team we have? You can demonstrate your suitability for the job by navigating these potential diversity pitfalls.

7 pitfalls of asking about diversity during interviews

1. Remember that you are a diverse candidate.

As a transitioning military, veteran, or military spouse, you may be surprised to find that the interviewer often sees you as a diverse candidate. According to a 2020 industry report, 34% of companies with a diverse hiring initiative include veterans as diverse hires.

I know you don’t want to be seen as a diverse candidate for any reason. News flash: No one does. In all the coaching sessions I’ve had with hundreds of military job seekers, I’ve never found one person comfortable with that designation. Like everyone else, you want to be hired on your merits—and you will be.

Understand that the idea of ​​hiring for diversity is a way that companies try to overcome any biases in the hiring system. You may have already experienced some of them. Veteran hiring programs can help you overcome your lack of local networking and land the interview. The rest is up to you.

2. Don’t let the question take you out of the game.

Diverse candidates may hear questions about diversity and inclusion and wonder if it’s some weird way of being “other” in the interview—as if by asking the question, the interviewer is pointing out that they don’t belong to the dominant group. Or the diverse candidate may feel as if they are being asked to speak for an entire group of people.

Non-diverse applicants can feel like they’re being told they’re not truly welcome. Either way, it can shake your confidence.

Know that if you’re being asked the diversity question, everyone is being asked the diversity question. If you expect to manage people in America, expect to be asked specific ways of how you will manage and include everyone.

3. Don’t avoid the issue of diversity.

Some candidates believe that when it comes to diversity, discretion is the better part of valor. They offer a vague answer like, “I’ve dealt with this a lot at work and never had a problem.” Or, “I get along with everyone.” This is not a neutral response; this is actually a blank answer. You can do better. Answer the question with a brief history of your career.

4. Don’t deflect with a “diversity of thought” answer.

Let’s be clear. When asked about diversity or inclusion, you’re answering an interview question about race, gender, and LGBTQ. While diversity of thought or cognitive diversity—the idea that different people prefer to think in different ways—is an appropriate topic, it is not the subject of this question.

5. Don’t let the trust effect be forgotten.

Studies show that the most effective teams have one thing in common: trust. When all group members have psychological safety at work, they are more likely to exhibit the kinds of behaviors that lead to breakthroughs.

To use this in an interview, think of a time in your career when you worked with a group that was firing on all cylinders. The work was challenging, but all members were able to think more creatively, try new things, approach problems differently, and work together. What have you done intentionally to create this kind of trust? What have you done to make sure everyone in the group knows their input is valued? How did you find out what different team members experienced?

6. Don’t forget the bottom line.

While diversity and inclusion seem like touchy subjects, it always comes down to the bottom line for a business. What is a business missing when it is not inclusive? What benefits have you seen from the different teams you work with in the military? Take a moment to read the research linking diversity and business profitability.

7. Don’t think you can hide it.

The issue of diversity is so uncomfortable for people that the main strategy I see from veterans is to hope it doesn’t come up. If it does, they have complete confidence in themselves that they can fix it. Do you remember how loaded this issue is in our society? You need to think about your answer. You need to practice out loud. You have to prepare.

How can you prepare for the diversity issue?

You can always prepare for the diversity question by simply writing the answers to the common interview questions above. And I mean write your answers. You’re looking for a paragraph, maybe two, no more. Use the STAR framework you learned about in the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) class to talk about the situation, task, action, and outcome.

The better way to prepare is to actually use this opportunity to reflect on your personal thoughts on diversity and inclusion. We all have them. If you live in this country, you have complicated thoughts about diversity. This is one of our central questions.

One framework that might work for you comes from General CQ Brown Jr., now the Air Force Chief of Staff and the first black officer to lead one of the United States’ military branches. After George Floyd’s death in 2020, he wrote a piece called “Here’s What I’m Thinking About.” Most sentences began with the words “I’m thinking about…” He wrote about his childhood, his career, the worlds we live in.

You can read his example and then write your own version. You never have to share it with anyone, but it can help you think about your own experiences, what you believed when you were younger, what you went through in the military, what you think now.

Diversity, equality and inclusion are not topics we only think about to prepare for an interview. This is what we prepare for so that we are ready for all the challenges ahead in the workplace.

Jesse Eckhart himself Military.comhead coach of the transition. She is a certified professional career coach and military sociologist who helps military personnel land their first civilian job by offering career level Master classes through our Veterans Employment Project and on her website Contact her at

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