Making her screen comeback after four years, actor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is all out for the promotions of her upcoming film Ponniyin Selvan-1. The period drama directed by Mani Ratnam has an ensemble star cast joining including Chiyaan Vikram, Trisha, and many more known faces from the South industry.
As the Guru actor is all set to play a significant role in the forthcoming drama, which is based on Kalki Krishnamurthy’s 1974-released novel of the same name, the actor was asked to share her opinion on the controversial North vs South debate. The actor who has been a part of other Kollywood dramas including Robot and many more, weighed in on the matter gaining attention in recent times and explained how people need to ‘break away from the typical way of looking at artists and cinema.’
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan on North vs South debate
While praising the art and how the cinema is evolving with every film, Aishwarya who will be seen playing Nandini told during the recent press conference, “It’s an amazing time right now, where we need to break away from the typical way of looking at artists and cinema. I think it’s a great time right now, where all these barriers have gone down. People know our cinema Nationally. In fact, they are wanting to see the cinema from every part.”
During her visit to the National capital for the promotions, the actor opined that people really need to break free from this conventional mindset and appreciate the art from wherever it is being served.
“I think this is finally the perfect time where it has become accessible Nationally through so many platforms. Everybody can view cinema for what it is, across India. So I think we need to kind of break away from this conventional way of thinking and help our viewers, our audiences, and our readers also to not slide into that typical way of viewing,” she said.
Adding, “Art has always been there, found the audience, and has been appreciated; so, have the artists. But avenues were limited. Today is a great time when it has become accessible to everybody. And proof of the pudding is in the eating, right? It is so evident that people are embracing and lapping up cinema from across the country.” Ponniyin Selvan will release in five languages including Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, Telugu, and Kannada, on September 30.
IMAGE: Instagram/aishwaryaraibachchan_arb
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