While new drama keeps unfolding in the house of Bigg Boss house, the audiences were recently in for a surprise when Jiya Shankar and Jad Hadid had a massive showdown. The two of them have always expressed the soft corner they hold for each other in their hearts, and now Jad felt betrayed after Jiya chose co-contestant Avinash Sachdev over him for captaincy. Followed by this, he started to avoid Jiya, who ended up breaking down in front of Hadid confessed about the importance he holds in her life.
Bigg Boss OTT 2: Jiya Shankar breaks down in front of Jad Hadid, reveals she had given a position ‘equal to god’ in her life
Followed by Jiya’s decision of choosing Avinash over Jad, the latter opened up to Avinash’s ‘good friend’ Falaq Naaz, stating that he felt bad that he had always supported Shankar and even stood by her during her wrongs, but when it came to the captaincy task she preferred Sachdev over him. When Jad decided to avoid speaking to Jiya in the house, the latter confronted him and explained to him about her decision. During the same, Shankar also broke down and confessed the bitter truth of her life and how she doesn’t have the surname Shankar.
Jiya Shankar told Jad Hadid, “I don’t have a father, and I know what that means. I never call anyone dad, and I have never given that position to anybody in my life, and I gave it to you.” She continued adding, “Jiya Shankar. Shankar is not my father’s name. Shankar is not my last name. I don’t use my father’s name.” Followed by her breakdown, Jad consoled her and extended an olive branch, further restrengthening their friendship. He also added that she too holds a special importance in his life and that she is like family to him.
Bigg Boss OTT Season 2 also features Pooja Bhatt, Abhishek Malhan, Manisha Rani, Bebika Dhurve, among others and the show streams all day long on Jio Cinema.
Also Read: Bigg Boss OTT 2: Cyrus Broacha exits Salman Khan-show due to medical emergency in family
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