Popular Bhojpuri actor-turned-politician Manoj Kumar Tiwari is set to become a father again. Manoj Tiwari is 51 and his wife Surabi Tiwari is expecting their second child. The famous singer, who was also a part of Bigg Boss 4, took to his social media to make an announcement about the same. Manoj Tiwari shared a video from Surabhi’s baby shower and shared a small but heartfelt note in the caption. Watch the video of Manoj Tiwari and his wife Godh Bharai below…
Manoj Tiwari to accept fatherhood at 51
Manoj Tiwari news is going viral everywhere right now. Also going viral on Entertainment News. The actor who ventured into politics shared a very heart-warming video of his wife’s Godh Bharai. He and his family had a small but grand Godh Bharai in their hometown.
Manoj Tiwari complimented his wife Surabi Tiwari in beige. Surbi was seen twinning in a red outfit with their little daughter. Manoj and Surabhi were seen gushing over their little one as everyone showered flowers and blessings on Surabhi.
Watch Manoj Tiwari’s wife Surabhi’s baby shower video here:
Manoj Tiwari Personal Life
Surabhi is the second wife of Manoj Tiwari. The actor was previously married to Rani Tiwari. They have a daughter named Reeti. Manoj and Rani parted ways in 2012. He later married Surabhi and has another daughter. In an interview last year, Manoj Tiwari revealed that his first daughter Riti had proposed that he and Surabhi get married.
Riti stays with Rani in Mumbai while Manoj Tiwari lives in Delhi with his family. In the interview with ETimes, Manoj Tiwari revealed that Rhiti is quite comfortable with Surabhi. In fact, Rhiti has also named her first child with Surabhi. Manoj revealed that there is no bitterness between him, Rani and Rithy.
Congratulations to the expectant parents and family.
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