Amid the news of Ashish’s second marriage, his first wife Rajoshi aka Piloo Vidyarthi seems to be struggling with the tumultuous phase of her life. She has been sharing cryptic posts on her Instagram which made her followers believe that she might not be in a good space, mentally.
In the past 17 hours, Rajoshi shared two cryptic posts on her Instagram stories. Her first motivational post talks about being hurt by the person she thought was the right one for her. “The right one will not make you question what you mean to them. They will not do what they know hurts you. Remember that,” read the post.
Her second post talks about finding peace and calmness in life by eliminating the causes of overthinking. “May the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. You’ve been strong long enough, its time to start receiving your blessings. You deserve it,” read the post.
In her last Instagram post, Rajoshi shared a selfie with a smile and wrote, “Do not get PUZZLED in the puzzle called LIFE.” Many people started asking her in the comment section whether she has gone through a divorce with her husband Ashish Vidyarthi.
Rajoshi is the daughter of veteran Bengali actress Shakuntala Barua. She is also the co-founder of Ashish Vidyarthi & Associates which aims to transform lives through theatre, music and conversations. Ashish and Rajoshi together have a 23-year-old son named Arth Vidyarthi.
Talking about Ashish’s second wife, Rupali hails from Guwahati and is an entrepreneur. She is known for her upscale fashion store in Kolkata, as per several reports.