All eyes have been on Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan for a while now. There are stories of him developing a script that he plans to direct for a leading OTT platform. It looks like the project will start from next year. Aryan Khan shared a picture on social media with his script. He captioned the photo: “Packed with the writing…can’t wait to say action.” According to some portals, he has already done location scouting for his debut project. Shah Rukh Khan commented, “Wow….I think…I believe….dream done now dare….I wish you the best for the first one. It’s always special….”
Aryan Khan may make his directorial debut with a thriller. It was rumored that Karan Johar wanted to launch Aryan Khan as an actor, but the star kid was not interested. He seems to have proposed not once, but twice. Ariane Khan is more into film making. He wants to be a writer and director. The star son has remained low-key since his arrest in the alleged drug bust in October 2021. But he got a clean chit a few months ago. In fact, the NCB is investigating those who have leveled the allegations against it. Here’s how fans reacted to the news…
Jr Khan ready to rock???#Aryan inn x @RedChilliesEnt ??..#ShahRukhKhan pic.twitter.com/HEby91nBgC
– iamsrk_its_official? (@saquib_srkian) December 6, 2022
How fast does the night change? indeed! ? @iamsrk I can’t believe my little button baby is now a tall and handsome man! And become a director?? Jacymaa is crying again today seeing this clip… You will always be my little Baby… ?#Aryan innpic.twitter.com/kZPj4Y8iDP
— ❥ San ᏦᎥ Ᏸ?ω? ? (@JacyKhan) December 6, 2022
The Prince of Bollywood #Aryan inn just announced that he has finished writing his first project, a series that he will also direct and host. All the best ? https://t.co/uWhqFUMgRO pic.twitter.com/ygUYDCHEw1
— Bello King Khan (@Bellokingkhan) December 6, 2022
Aryan Khan was recently seen at the Halloween Bash hosted by Orhan Avatramani. Now we can’t wait for more announcements!
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