Ajay Devgn, who was last seen in Tabu co-starrer action-thriller Bholaa, will reportedly collaborate with his Raid director Rajkumar Gupta for a sequel of the 2018 released film. The project is at a preliminary stage and is not yet finalised.
Ajay Devgn and Rajkumar Gupta to reunite?
The No One Killed Jessica director finally has reason to look ahead. Devgan has apparently sounded out Gupta for a sequel to Raid.
But a reliable source close to the development warns, “This is at just a preliminary stage. Unless Rajkumar Gupta comes up with a crackerjack idea, this is not going anywhere from here.”
Ajay Devgn’s work front
Meanwhile, on the work front, Ajay Devgn was last seen in the action-thriller film Bholaa which also featured Tabu. The film, which was released in March, didn’t perform well at the box office. His upcoming projects include the highly anticipated third instalment of the film Singham. His other projects include the long-delayed sports drama Maidaan, and Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha.