For the purpose of this record, the Guinness committee defines a cape as an outer garment which drapes over the wearer’s back, chest and arms, and is open at the front and fastens by the neck
Whether worn as a chic outer layer or a dramatic statement piece, capes bring a sense of sophistication and glamour to any look. Something similar was seen when Arab celebrity Najwa Karam stepped out for the launch of her new album by dressing the part in a record-breaking cape.
One of the most beloved female singers of the Pan-Arab region, Najwa achieved a remarkable feat by breaking the record for the longest cape, with the garment measuring a staggering 182.7ft (55.7m).
“On 27 July, she met with her enthusiastic fan base in Amman, Jordan, to unveil her latest album Karizma while becoming the first Lebanese singer to hold a Guinness World Records title,” Guinness World Records stated.
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In celebration of the singer’s accomplishments, the cape has been named ‘Karizma’ after the album, which hit shelves in May and garnered widespread attention.
“The album features seven songs that showcase a diverse range of musical styles, reflecting Najwa’s ability to seamlessly transition between classical and modern influences while preserving the distinctive Lebanese character that has defined her illustrious artistic career,” the records website noted.
For the purpose of this record, the Guinness committee defines a cape as an outer garment which drapes over the wearer’s back, chest and arms, and is open at the front and fastens by the neck. “This record is for the longest cape in terms of physical length. It may be attempted by an individual or a team of unlimited size. This record is measured in metres and centimetres with an equivalent given in feet and inches.”
Apart from Najwa, only five other Arab singers have achieved the Guinness World Records title. They are:
*Mohammed Abdu (Saudi Arabia): Most simultaneous pepper’s ghost illusions of a person
*Tamer Hosni (Egypt): Most contributions to a bulletin board
*Amr Diab (Egypt): Most World Music Awards for Best-Selling Middle Eastern Artist
*Faia Younan (Syria): First Middle-Eastern musician to crowdfund a debut single
*Cheb Khalid (Algeria): Best-selling artist of raï music
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First published on: 31-07-2023 at 21:40 IST