Anushka Sharma on Sunday treated fans to gorgeous photos of herself. She was seen enjoying the sunlight at her house. “Main गुड लाइट ki deewani hoon,” she wrote as the caption. The post received overwhelming response from her fans.
Earlier this week, Anushka shared a video that gave a glimpse of her preparation for her upcoming film Chakda Xpress. The Netflix film sees Anushka playing popular cricketer Jhulan Goswami. The actor also congratulated Jhulan Goswami for becoming the highest wicket-taker in Women’s World Cup history recently.
Jhulan Goswami broke the record for most wickets in the ICC Women’s World Cup. Jhulan’s feat was achieved during the match against the West Indies at Seddon Park in Hamilton.
Chakda Xpress marks Anushka’s first film after 2018 release Zero. It is also her comeback after becoming a mother. Anushka gave birth to her daughter Vamika in 2021.
In January, talking about Chakda Xpress, Anushka had said it is “a really special film” inspired by the life and times of former Indian captain Jhulan Goswami.
“It will be an eye-opener into the world of women’s cricket. At a time when Jhulan decided to become a cricketer and make her country proud on the global stage, it was very tough for women to even think of playing the sport. This film is a dramatic retelling of several instances that shaped her life and also women’s cricket,” she had stated.
The film will release on Netflix.
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