Anurag Kashyap is undeniably one of the most significant Bollywood filmmakers of current era. His movies are known for being dark and rooted to reality unlike most of mainstream cinema and he also prefers to cast actors who are skilled yet underrated. However, in a recent conversation with News18, Anurag stated that he is one of the most nepotistic director in the industry.
He said, “I’m the most nepotistic filmmaker in the country. What is nepotism? Okay fine, my daughter is not there in the films but I will not hire somebody who I don’t know. It’s not a camp, it’s not even favouritism. I need to know my people because I trust them.”
Anurag added, “I work with a lot of trust so when I trust someone, it has to be fully there and I trust people that I hire. Who do you trust the most in your (troubled) time? Actually, anybody will trust family, right, so for me my set is like my family. Ek ke through hi dusra aata hai, woh nepotism hi hai.”
Extrapolating his point with an example, Anurag shared, “If my first AD is leaving and because they’re going to become a filmmaker, I don’t know who is a good first AD in the market so that first AD will give me another first AD before they leave. So what do you call that, that’s nepotism.”
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