Priyanka Chopra, who had made her name in Hollywood, attended the Met Gala first time in 2017 in a thigh-high slit gown with a popped collar. Since then, she re-appeared in 2018. In 2019, She made an appearance with her husband, Nick Jonas.
Sudha Reddy, a billionaire philanthropist and wife of businessman Megha Krishna Reddy, walked the red carpet at the 2021 Met Gala. Sudha, an avid lover of art and passion, was the only Indian to attend the event in 2021. She wore a free-flowing shimmery gown attached with a four-metre-long train which consisted of colours of the American flag.
Deepika Padukone, Like Priyanka, made her first Met Gala appearance in 2017. Mostly, Dippy appeared in simple, diligent attires. In 2019, She appeared in a metallic pink gown resembling Barbie Doll.
Natasha Poonawalla, the philanthropist wife of Serum Institute head Adar Poonawalla, walked the Red carpet for the first time in 2018. She wore a pink flowy gown with a wine colour ribbon detaining around her bust and waist. In 2019, She wore a crystal-embellished mini dress with a detachable icy-blue skirt. In 2022, she wore Sabyasachi saree
Isha Ambani, the daughter of billionaire Mukesh Ambani first appeared in Met Gala in 2017. The young businesswoman later appeared in 2019 wearing a lavender couture gown with embroidered feathers and beadwork.
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