Alia Bhatt preparing for Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani with Ranveer Singh and Karan Johar. The actress recently made India proud by joining the list of actresses who will be walking the carpet at The Met Gala this year. And now Raha Kapoor’s mother has opened up like never before in an interview with Harper Bazaar Arabia. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor welcomed Raha last year. Alia is still young and flourishing in her career. And people often ask actresses if they accept motherhood at the peak of their careers. Check out what Alia Bhatt has to say about the same.
Alia Bhatt reacts to welcoming a baby at the peak of her career
While talking to an online entertainment magazine portal, Alia Bhatt asks that such questions should never be asked to a man or an actor. An actor never being asked if he had a baby at the height of his career was a brave decision. The actress says that she is being asked to slow down her work pace as she has to take care of Raha as well. However, Aaliya says everything is fine. She says that after working at a pace like hers for 10 years, she felt she could cut back and be a mom. Alia adds that the decision was driven by love.
Alia adds that she has always been a person who takes decisions with love. The Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani actress adds that if she feels right, she will take a decision and if she doesn’t feel right, she can take back her steps. So even if she is offered the biggest film, if she doesn’t feel right about it, she won’t take that step forward. “And I don’t even think there was a question. It was just a very happy, natural decision,” she shares.
Alia Bhatt on motherhood
Alia Bhatt shares that every day in 2023 with her daughter Raha Kapoor feels new and there are Raha firsts happening right now. She says she has become quite patient in life. The “Heart of Stone” actress shares that she has always been a very impatient person. She shares that childbirth and motherhood gives peace and tranquility. Alia admits that it is very demanding and extremely fascinating. She assures that if you handle it with patience, it gives a lot of inner strength.
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