Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor announced their pregnancy within three months of their marriage. While after the announcement, the couple stepped out for the first time, leaving their fans in awe of them. Alia showed off her baby bump in the little brown dress and there was a lot of speculation that started that Alia looked 5 months pregnant. Since Alia announced her pregnancy, the actress’ due date is still a mystery and her fans are dying to know when the baby will arrive. Well, we’ll let you know.
Alia Bhatt’s due date is in December
An insider reveals, “Alia Bhatt is currently 4 months pregnant and the couple is expecting the baby’s arrival in December, which is by the end of this year. Aaliyah is taking extra care of her right now and is super excited about the arrival of her newborn. Whole Ranbir expressed his excitement every time that he is going to be a father soon while promoting his movie Shamshera. Alia, who is busy promoting her film Darlings, has already kicked off the promotions of Brahmastra along with hubby Ranbir and here’s how they will even spend time with each other. While Alia gets constant guidance from her mother and mother-in-law whenever needed”. Now, who doesn’t want their husband every time during pregnancy?
The source further reveals, “Ranbir and Alia have booked the hospital and mostly they will deliver in the most popular hospital in Khar. Alia is regularly getting her tests done in these times of COVID but the threat is almost minus but the couple is taking all the necessary precautions and doing regular check-ups”. Kapoor Khandaan is eagerly awaiting the baby’s arrival and has made all the preparations for the same. Dadi-to-be Neetu Kapoor is never shy about talking about her excitement to welcome her grandchild.
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