The figures for Samrat Prithviraj are here. Akshay Kumar and Manushi Chhillar’s movie has made Rs 11 crores on day one. This is not a bad figure if you consider the mixed reviews for the film. This is lower than the opening day figures of Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani’s which was around Rs 14 crore plus. But it has got a better opening than Alia Bhatt’s Gangubai Kathiawadi. The figures for Samrat Prithviraj are expected to rise further over the weekend. The movie has been made tax free in five Indian states. Akshay Kumar also got a lot of attention when he said that Indian history taught in schools was mostly about the Mughals.
#SamratPrithviraj All-India Nett Day 1 early estimates around 11 Crs ..
– Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) June 4, 2022
As per Box Office India, the film is doing well in single screens which is very important. Samrat Prithviraj is doing well in the single screens in UP and the business is picking up in Rajasthan and Central India. Maharashtra is on the lower side. The South belt is very slow, which is understandable given that Vikram and Major are also there competing with Samrat Prithviraj. It seems collections have picked up from Saturday morning. The states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are leading the race.
Samrat Prithviraj is the debut vehicle of former Miss World Manushi Chhillar. After The Kashmir Files, it is the second film to be made tax-free. Akshay Kumar’s casting as Samrat Prithviraj has come under a lot of flak. People are trolling the age difference between him and the actress. However, Manushi Chhillar has made her presence felt. She is beautiful, graceful and fans say she can dominate a screen. Samrat Prithviraj’s success is crucial for Bollywood after that of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2. The industry needs a desperate revival now.
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