Adipurush, helmed by Om Raut, has crossed Rs. 240 crore mark at the box office in India. Amid the mixed reviews and criticism towards the movie, VFX, and language, Om Raut says that Prabhas was the only choice for the role of Raghav. He also said the movie is made for the new generation and that all one can do is present it with faith and understanding.
Adipurush director Om Raut says Prabhas fit ‘perfectly’ for the role: “You can see sincerity, honesty and genuineness in his eyes”
Speaking to India Today, he said, “If you see I have chosen only one particular segment within the Ramayana, which is the Parakarmi Ram, the Paramvir, the Rajaram, and the Yuddh Kand. Within the Yuddh Kand, we see Prabhu Ram’s several qualities but the Paramvir quality is something that comes across, that is something that appealed to me individually and I have only tried to recreate that. And so, Prabhas fit perfectly for this role because his heart is very clean, and also your eyes are a reflection of your heart and you can see the sincerity, honesty, and genuineness in Prabhas’ eyes. He is a big star but so humble. So when I thought of doing this, I could only think of him.”
Adipurush stars Prabhas, Saif Ali Khan, Kriti Sanon, and Sunny Singh in pivotal roles. The film was released on June 26, 2023.
ALSO READ: Adipurush: Kathmandu mayor bans all Indian films until “Janaki is the daughter of India” dialogue is removed from Prabhas and Kriti Sanon starrer
More Pages: Adipurush Box Office Collection , Adipurush Movie Review
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