The ongoing legal dispute between Kangana Ranaut and Javed Akhtar does not seem to die down anytime soon. Last month, the Queen actress appeared before the Mumbai court to record her statement and now Kangana has urged the court to record the statement of her sister Rangoli Chandel in the defamation complaint filed by lyricist Javed Akhtar. For the unversed, in 2020, Javed filed a defamation case against the actress alleging that she made defamatory and baseless comments about him in a television interview.
Reportedly, Kangana in her complaint alleged that the lyricist owing to their public spat had called her and her sister Rangoli to his house with “malafide intentions and ulterior motives and then criminally intimidated and threatened” her. The Tanu Weds Manu actress also accused Javed of forced her to tender a written apology to her co-star.
In November 2020, Javed Akhtar claimed that Kangana dragged his name unnecessary while referring to a ‘coterie’ existing in Bollywood, following actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. He stated that her defamatory statements against him have caused huge damage to his reputation.
Last year, the veteran writer moved an application before a court for issuing a non-bailable warrant against the actress.
Image Source: twitter,instagram/team_kanagana_ranaut, Socialnews.xyz
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