Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan is on cloud nine these days as his Kabaddi team Jaipur Pink Panthers lifted the Pro-Kabaddi League trophy. The actor watched the final match with his wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. A video of the final match showed Abhishek pulling Aishwarya and Aaradhya into a tight hug. As his team won the match, Abhishek couldn’t control his excitement and pulled his family in for a big hug. Aishwarya was also seen shouting and cheering their team. Aaradhya picked up the trophy and posed with it.
Watch the video of how Abhishek Bachchan pulled Aishwarya for a hug –
Aishwarya took to Instagram when she shared a picture of her gorgeous daughter Ardhaya and wrote, “The Jaipur Pink Panthers are the CHAMPIONS of Pro Kabaddi Season 9. What a fabulous season! We are so proud of our team of incredibly talented, dedicated and hardworking kabaddi athletes… Well done guys!!! God bless always. Love, Light, more power to you and Saints. She even shared a bunch of photos from the match.
Netizens massively trolled Abhishek Bachchan for pulling Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Aaradhya into a hug. One user wrote: ‘Why are you dragging her’, while another commented saying: ‘Was that a hug or just public pressure.’ Another said: “If Badtamiz was human hahahahaha.”
Moreover, Abhishek also shared pictures and captioned them as “So proud of this team. They have quietly worked for this cup. Despite the criticism, they continue to believe and work. Everyone wrote them off… But they had confidence in themselves. This is the way to do it!!! it took us 9 years to win this cup again. And I’m so happy with this team. Team work, hard work and silent determination… The @jaipur_pinkpanthers’ way. Amitabh Bachchan also congratulated the team for the win and wrote a heartfelt note.
Jaipur Pink Panthers beat Puneri Paltan by 33 runs in Pro Kabaddi League Season 9 on Saturday.
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