B-Town’s hottie Kareena Kapoor Khan is known for her age-defying looks and fabulous sartorial choices. Be it any occasion, she never fails to make heads turn with her outfits and charming personality. Recently, Bebo was spotted attending a luxury car launch event in Mumbai where she walked the ramp. However, some netizens seem unimpressed by Kareena’s look as they brutally troll and body-shame her. In fact, they also asked to boycott not just her movies but also all her endorsements.
Going by the comments, it seems like not just films, but B-Town celebs’ endorsements are also under the radar of netizens. That’s really harsh!
A few weeks ago, netizens started a hate campaign against Kareena and Aamir Khan’s film Laal Singh Chaddha. They asked to boycott the Advait Chandan directorial on social media. Reacting to this boycott, Kareena told India Today that everyone has an opinion, and you have to learn to ignore certain things. And that’s why she doesn’t take any of this like seriously. She added that Laal Singh Chaddha is a good film so she believes that it will surpass anything.
Image Source: Instagram/Kareena Kapoor Khan
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