Sonam Kapoor has finally welcomed her first child and it’s a boy. The Kapoor family was elated with this happiest news and shared it with their loved ones by sending cards and sweets. Sonam Kapoor gave birth to the baby today on August 20 and Neetu Kapoor welcomed the new Nana and Nani in town, Anil Kapoor and Sunita Kapoor. Neetu Kapoor took to her Instagram and shared the note sent by the Kapoor family which read, “On 20.08.2022 we welcomed our beautiful baby boy with bowed heads and hearts. Thank you to all the doctors, nurses, friends and family who have supported us on this journey. This is just the beginning, but we know our lives have been changed forever. – Sonam and Anand”.
Sonam Kapoor also recently took to her Instagram to share the happy news with her fans and loved ones. While director Farah Khan and others greeted the new mother in town.
An excited Nana Anil Kapoor also shared the good news just seconds ago and wrote, “We are happy to announce that we are blessed with a healthy baby boy on our 20th and couldn’t be more ecstatic. Our hearts are bursting with pride and love for the new parents and their beautiful angel. Loving grandparents Harish and Priya, Anil Sunita.”.
Sonam and Anand Ahuja got married in 2018 and after three years of marriage the couple became parents, Sonam was shifted to London during the lockdown and she happily surprised her fans by sharing the good news through her Instagram post which reads: ” Four hands. To raise you the best we can. Two hearts. It will beat in unison with yours, every step of the way. One family. Who will shower you with love and support. We can’t wait to welcome you.” Congratulations to the new mom and dad in town.
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