Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin fans are always super active on social media. Although they don’t fail to call out the creators if they feel something is wrong, it was a nice night for them. Actress Ayesha Singh who plays Sai Joshi was seen dressed as Madhuri Dixit from Tezaab’s iconic Ek Do Teen for the latest episode of Ravivaar With Star Parivaar. She also danced with Akshay Kumar who came to promote Raksha Bandhan. Fans are amazed by their interaction. Ayesha Singh looks like a typical Bollywood fan in the video and it’s cool to watch.
I’m not over it and I’m not over it anytime soon ??
Ayeshu dancing with akahayyy!!!#ravivaarwithstarparivaar #AkshayKumar #AishaSingh #GhumHaiKisikeyPyaarMeiin #SaiJoshi #yrkkh #Anupamaa #PandyaStore #ArjunBijlani #BanniChow Home Delivery #AmalMalik pic.twitter.com/AWLnieyIzi— Siya (@siyavt6) August 14, 2022
Damn, did it look that beautiful? #AishaSingh#GhumHaiKisikeyPyaarMeiin #ravivaarwithstarparivaar pic.twitter.com/b2r7R31osM
— SONA (@SONA_12_) August 14, 2022
#GhumHaiKisikeyPyaarMeiin @sidd_vankar @cockcrow_shaika @singhishaan3 @StarPlus
When you have a powerful actor #AishaSingh who lights up the screen with every1 including senior actor #AkshayKumar why disgusting songs? AS deserves a new ML and so do we so everyone can go back 2 enjoying the show pic.twitter.com/vZEsLvmiAV— Rayna Dee (@DeeRayna) August 14, 2022
Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin will see a song where Pakhi (Aishwarya Sharma) realizes how much she has made it difficult for Virat (Neil Bhatt) and Sai. But in the coming days, Sai will leave Chavan Niwa. The bus she will be traveling in will have an accident. Everyone feels her dead. Chavan Niwas will be overthrown and Virat will be completely smashed. However, Sai is alive and will start a new life somewhere.
Fans want to see how the makers perform the song. The birth of Pakhi’s baby drew a lot of criticism. People even complain about how they can show a son-in-law giving birth to his older brother’s widow’s child.
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