Shershaah turned one year old and rumored lovebirds Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani did a live session together to celebrate this special day with their speedy beau. While the much-loved couple kept the element of surprise in the live session. They started a live chat separately where the pair shared anecdotes from their first movie together. In the live session, Sid could be seen flirting with Kiara and leaving her blushing at every turn. Kiara even mentioned that Mann Bharryya will always be a special song. Where Siddharth admitted that he was in a mess after meeting Captain Vikram Batra’s parents and he tensed what if we screw up this film and told director Vishnu that we can’t mess this up.
During the live season, Sid and Kiara opened up about their first date and how they bonded really well. And when the live session was coming to an end, Siddharth and Kiara’s fans were clamoring to come together and the surprise was that he entered the room where Kiara was living her life, then they said we are together. Kiara had reached Siddharth’s house for this live session. They even answered a question from their fans where they said that they want to see them together in another film, to which Sid said that they are together and will soon work together on another project as well.
Kiara also agreed with the Shersha star while fans can’t contain their excitement to see the couple reunite as it’s going to be another blockbuster. Although the entire industry is aware that Siddharth and Kiara are in a relationship and are waiting for the couple to make an announcement together. If reports are to be believed, Kiara has even met Siddharth’s parents and they like her. Well, their fans certainly can’t wait to see them together forever.
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